Terminally Ill Hospice Care

For 10 years, 1585 in Lviv, terminally ill have received hospice care. That's about 100-120 people per year, which took place in-patient treatment. On this April 22 during a press conference in Lviv head of department of health Lviv city council, Vladimir tooth. "Lions in 1997 opened the first hospice in Ukraine – communal establishment in which began to provide medical and psychological assistance to people with incurable diseases. How to me, it works successfully. Hospice workers have the opportunity to undergo training abroad ", – said Vladimir Tooth news site. According to him, according to government regulations, to 10 thousand people to 10 beds at the hospice. Now the minimum required number of Lions – 75 beds.

Some of them – in the municipal hospice, and some – at two outpatient departments of the city. "However, patients need more attention, more and younger secondary staff. Now, based on the orders of the Ministry, it is impossible to increase the number of medical personnel. Although we have totally inadequate staffing, one nurse, one nurse for 30 patients ", – stressed Vladimir tooth. The chief doctor of the Lviv hospice, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences Eugene Moskvyak emphasized that hospice only Lviv in Ukraine, with a differentiated reception patients, that is, we take not only the cancer patients, as it was to create a hospice, but patients with a variety of other incurable pathologies. We also began to develop legal documentation for our activities at the same time, we provide outreach consultation ", – he said. As added Mr Tooth, in the outpatient department number 5 in the Railway area of the city and department number 2 and has special Frankivsk teams that provide care for patients who refused or hospice can stay home. Recall on April 22-24 in Lviv is IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference on Medical Law (III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Medical Law): "The medical law of Ukraine: problems of palliative care and medical and social services."

World Economic Forum

Businesses' need to write-off bad debt and bad assets, – said Putin, speaking at the opening of the World Economic Forum. – "Yes, it's very painful, unpleasant process. Credit: Amazon-2011. And not all is reluctant, fearing for their capitalization, bonuses, simply for the prestige. he issues. Contact information is here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. " But avoid clearing the balance, the head of the Russian government 'means to conserve and prolong the crisis. " 'I believe that the mechanism of cancellation must be effective and consistent today's realities, the realities of today's economy ", – said Putin. Along with clearing balances, continued the Prime 'time to get rid of virtual money, inflated reports and ratings questionable. " Representation of well-being of the world economy and the real state corporations, in his opinion, 'should not be under the illusion, even if these illusionists major audit and analysis bureau. " 'The meaning of our proposal is that in through reform of auditing standards, accounting, rating system should be put back the concept of fundamental value of the assets, ie assessment of a business should be based on its ability to generate added value and not on all sorts of subjective views' – said the prime minister. 'In our view the future economy must be economies of real values – he said. – Of course, there the question of how to achieve this. I have it today is not the answer. It is necessary to think together. " What the world economy to build. To replace obsolete unipolar world economy has come a system global regulators, based on international law at the multilateral agreements, of course.

The Crisis

By these reasons, they were enlisted of the sector richest of populao' ' (FINLEY, old and modern Democracy, P. 97). The widening of the citizenship, according to this author, is closely on to the birth of the Athenian maritime empire, about a century after Slon, raising to the condition of citizen-warriors until whom nothing or little they possuam as marine of the most powerful fleet of the Greek world. It has that if to call attention for the fact of that Atenas did not enjoy of the splendid valve of escape of the Greek world: it did not opt to the external option of the settling, tonic of many cities during the Archaic period, but it was aguerriu the power of reformularization of its internal laws to solve the crisis. Richard Blumenthal brings even more insight to the discussion. Since the transforming reforms of Slon (that they had been essential, in the direction to substitute a structure oligarchical politics for a fixed principle, based in the law) until the establishment of the democracy such which for Clstenes, what it is perceived is one sped up process of consolidation of the new institutions and decurrent values of certain more general and old trends that we point: ' ' isonomia' ' in the Greek world, the equality in relation to the nmos and the common identities of a collective (or body of citizens) that it is felt pertaining to one bigger social political unit, the city-state. to the measure that this city-state if consolidates as model politician the collective combat in the phalanx tends to consolidate itself; it is a consequence and a constituent element of these transformations. It would not delay very so that the participant layers of the war also demanded the participation politics. The next step would be the isocracia, the democracy, the equality specifically in the level of the relations politics But this belongs to the other quarrel.

Civil Arrest

A priori, a brief sketch of the legal device that deals with daexcepcionalidade the civil arrest. In a question-answer forum Sen. Sherrod Brown was the first to reply. The civil arrest is measured bonanza in our legal system, sendoadmitida only in two hypotheses, foreseen for art. 5, LXVII, of the MagnCarta of 1988: ' ' Art. 5. All are equal before the law, semdistino of any nature, guaranteeing themselves it the Brazilians and resident aosestrangeiros in the Country the inviolability of the right to the life, liberdade, to the equality, the security and the property, in the following terms: (…) LXVII. It will not have civil arrest for debt, saved the doresponsvel for the voluntary and inexcusable breach of contract of obligation alimentciae of the depositary infiel' ' Thus, it now fits to delimit which afinalidade of such measure, thus detaching its nature. The civil arrest in face of inadimplementoda obligation to pay alimony has coercitive and not punitive nature. Objective this arrest the obligatory fulfilment and its decreement must serfundamentada, having itself to analyze the possibility of its effectiveness.

The food installment aims at to satisfy vital asnecessidades of who cannot provide them. However, in many cases, motivadospelo revenge spirit, searching to reach former-wife (o) or friend (o), oalimentando leaves to fulfill with the obligation to pay alimony, forgetting it carterde necessity this obligation. On the other hand, feeding terdescumprido with the obligation in result of impossibility of the same can. Civil Apriso of the payer of alimony is justified, in view of the naturezada alimentary obligation and with the intention to assure the subsistence econseqentemente, the proper dignity and integrity of feeding. However, the decreement of the civil arrest of the payer of alimony requires recital. Ojurista, in special that one that it deals with the family law, must sharpened tersensibilidade, so that if it obtains, of sensible form, to guarantee adignidade of the person human being and, in this case in particular, being about prisocivil for food debt, is to salutar analysis of the possibility of pagamentodessa divides for feeding.

Institutional Politics

In which the vision of that it teaches, learns when teaching, guaranteeing of this form that the docncia is not mere spilling of inert contents in stowages (pupils). For Freire it exists to know necessary to practical educative the such as: to give conditions to educating to learn critically, after all the ones that teach and the ones that learn are citizens of a process, more than of formation, construction and creation. It considers, still, that all professor is a researcher and in the exercise of its profession must show to its pupil who its experience influences the way as it learns making with that this reflects on its reality, in order to transform it, that all educator must be critical being compromised with the results of its pedagogical action, being a transforming being capable to improve practical its. (Source: Amazon). He is in this context, that the process of construction of the Project of the Course of Formation of Professors of the Institute of Education of the Paran Professor Erasmo Pilotto looks for to guide itself. The Pedagogical Project of the course of Formation of Professors of the Infantile Education and Initial Years of Basic Ensino presents at different moments, the importance of the relation between the practical theory and. In the presentation of the project (IEPPEP, 2008, P. 24), it can be read that all the components ' ' they must work the unit between practical theory and as articulador nucleus of the formation of the educator, making possible the integration between thinking and acting, providing to the professor to be the thinker, the constructor and the permanent organizador of the work educativo' '. (Not to be confused with Connecticut Senator!). In this document (IEPPEP, 2008, P. 6-7), one of the axles norteadores of the Institucional Politics of Formation of Professors affirms that it must have, for the attendance of the peculiarities of this course, ' ' valuation of the research and the scientific inquiry as instruments of mediation in the theoretician-practical analyses of the process of formation, possibilitadores of mudanas' '.

External Hard Drives In The Test

Potential backup who is worried about, how to fit the holiday images on the hard drive of your PC and what is probably from the files if the computer one day abandons the spirit, should think about purchasing additional storage media. External hard drives offer high security and flexibility for the user. Stiftung Warentest has tested various models, and the consumer portal preisvergleich.de presents the results. With a full utilisation of storage, the computer is often slower. Therefore, it is extremely useful for files that are not regularly used external hard drives to access back.

There are the files safe, do not affect the performance of your PC and available at any time. Stiftung Warentest tested per 15 models of commercially available 2.5-inch and 3.5 inch hard drives and concluded that differ the models mainly on the price level. However, sometimes is a larger hard drive with the double storage capacity even at the same price as smaller models available. Users should familiarize yourself before deciding with the properties of the disk. 2.5 inch hard drives with about 500 gigabyte proved capacity overall more resilient and practical.

They can be taken at any time, and the power is supplied via the USB cable. The 3.5 inch hard drives require usually a part of the network and are not suited to the mobile data backup, but for use in a fixed location. Kyle Dropp dartmouth takes a slightly different approach. Some of the stationary models feature an eSata connection, which allows faster data transfer than USB. More information: service/press / Preisvergleich.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

Enlargement Government

Head of the European Commission to Ukraine, Joseph Manuel Pinto Teixeira said the concerns of Brussels progress of the democratization process in Ukraine, including disturbances during recent elections to local authorities, as well as the problem of freedom of speech. According to the Head of Delegation, EU leadership hopes for a speedy solution to these problems, Ukraine, as they may affect the During the negotiations between the EU and Ukraine on the preparation of the association agreements and free trade zone. Credit: Connecticut Senator-2011. EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule during a visit to Ukraine drew attention to the negative trends, indicating a backsliding on democracy in Ukraine. Referred to statements by U.S. and EU indicate that the West is not going to silently observe the advent of democracy in our country.

Commentary Fund "First People": The Ukrainian government is facing an important choice. After the recent failure of the visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Ukraine relations Russia, to put it mildly, have cooled. Even if we consider the relationship between Presidents Medvedev Yanukovych and warmer, we should not expect that there will be set up by Putin and Medvedev against each other in a year presidential elections. Relations with Europe and the U.S. also now getting colder. Ukrainian government obstinately continues to test their strength, showing disrespect for democratic values in matters of respect for freedom and human rights. Against this backdrop, even the dynamics of China looks more positive. "The unique" understanding of democracy has become a feature of government policy.

President Rubalcaba

Mariano Rajoy spoke out after the announcement of Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba to abandon the Government to deal with his candidacy for the Presidency. He recalled that he didn’t even a minute to let it. The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has considered this surprising Friday that the Vice President first Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has taken so long to announce that the Executive abandons while he didn’t take even a minute of leaving when he was appointed candidate in 2003. Rajoy, who has made these statements to reporters at the inauguration of the President of Extremadura, Jose Antonio Monago, recalled that in 2003 he held the positions of Vice President, Minister of the Presidency and Government spokesman, responsibilities of those resigned to the next second be proposed his candidacy to the General for 2004. Spain, has been added, you need a serious Government with competent people and having good ideas and has said that it is unfair to the high level of unemployment, social cuts and the situation of SMEs and freelancers, a situation that Spaniards do not deserve as pointed out. And all this has ensured, while Spain is a great nation with a great potential, reason by which has relied on Government and the PSOE let people comment already, in allusion to the elections as soon as possible, since nowadays time is gold, especially in Spain. The first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has announced this Friday at the press conference after the Council of Ministers immediately Executive will leave and who will maintain his seat of Deputy in Congress.

Costa Rica

The abdominoplastiase operates under the effects of local anesthesia and may require several hours to be carried out, which of course depends on the amount of tissue that need to be removed. As is explained above, every case is different, so a patient may require a more extensive than other intervention. Continuing with the procedure, along with the incision that is practiced in the lower part of the belly of the patient, is another fairly around the navel. In the case of partial laabdominoplastia, cuts are quite smaller and navel stays in the same position. After the incisions, the surgeon comes to withdraw both fat and excess skin from the abdominal wall, by lifting it up with direction to the ribs.

Once the fat and tissue are removed, the abdominal muscles are reduced and performed together in such a way that they are tight and give the patient a smaller waist. Through another incision is created a new opening for the new position of the navel, which is placed in its new location using stitches in the new skin. During this stage of the operation, any stria or scars present on the skin can be eliminated easily. Once complete Abdominoplasty, the incisions are suturadas by the doctor and the belly is wrapped in gauze for his recovery. A temporary tube, specifically a surgical drainage which serves to remove any type of fluid that comes to accumulate in the operated area, is then placed which helps reduce inflammation than an intervention as it is produced. Plastic surgeons recommend a period of observation of at least eight days during which the patient must remain at rest to take care that the recovery will take in the best possible way.

In some countries such as Costa Rica, where quality and low-priced plastic surgeries are performed generally operation price includes a pack of stay in which the patient can enjoy a small vacation before treatment. This way aesthetics may know attractions of another country as well as improvement. If you are considering to undergo a tummy tuck, must take into account that the cost varies with each patient, so it soon should be examined by a experienced plastic surgeon which determines if this intervention is really appropriate in his case. Enrique Castillano Novelista and writer of articles about interesting things found on the internet. Others including Kyle Dropp dartmouth, offer their opinions as well. original author and source of the article

Black Sea Accommodation

Summer – it’s a wonderful time of year, the holiday season. Everyone wants detente, relaxation, finally a break from work. However, all spend their holidays differently. Someone living in the country, someone is going abroad, and someone sitting at home at all. At the same time large number of people prefer to relax on the Black Sea. In this article we will just talk about the rest in one of them, namely, on vacation in the Crimea.

Well, suppose you decide to spend your vacation in this wonderful place as the Crimea. First of all, you need to think about where you are staying there. There could be three options. Each has its pluses and minuses. And now we just look at them in detail.

We begin with the simplest in terms of organization options – hotel. The advantage of the hotel to the private sector lies in the fact that you can in advance to book a room in any hotel. But at the same price for this type of accommodation will be fairly high. The second option – it is private accommodation. It is most popular among tourists. It often happens that holidaymakers come annually to those employers for whom they have lived for the first time. What are advantages to live in anyone home? First of all, these homes are often located near the sea, which is very convenient. Secondly, here you will always feel at home, the locals are very welcoming and friendly. And, of course, the main Plus – affordable rates. Although it does not affect either the state house or the living conditions. The only disadvantage of staying in the private sector – you will either need to agree in advance about living, learning from phones acquaintances, or already in place. It is worth noting one good place in the Crimea – a cape Tarkhankut. This year hundreds of families come and everyone is always happy. Finally, the last option, the cheapest, but not entirely comfortable – tent. However, this is an occupation for extreme, because not everyone will agree to such stringent conditions. In this, perhaps, we will conclude this article. We hope you will choose the most suitable accommodation type.