Gastronomy In Madrid

After four years of life, it is now when Pinera restaurant has really come to be a reference to critics Madrid restaurant. You could say that it is one of the restaurants of fashion in the capital. Maintains its splendid direction of room under the baton of Jorge Davila (rara avis in a world of gastronomy dominated by chefs) and culinary advice dispensed daily by the former chef of Zalacain, the historic Benjamin Urdiain, but the kitchen has undergone some changes after the new addition, just a few months ago, of just 24 years-old Javier Aranda. I did not know the old stage, but it gives the impression that the current, although still of some lapses, going in a good way, if it is aware of the difficulties that entails for a chef so young, carry a restaurant open every day and with a significant volume of clientele. But Pinera, more than in any other establishment, should make a general assessment of the experience gastronomic. and your second aboard oscar Marcos, who occupied the night of our visit the position of sommelier by the absence of the proprietor Mario Garcia, make Pinera an ideal place for lovers of exquisite room service, much appreciated in Madrid. Perhaps with a small difference compared to other sites.

The elegant attention is not accompanied by the usual excess of reverence and homage, sometimes exaggerated in this type of establishment. If I understand correctly the words of Jorge Davila, with Pinera is it has chosen to do a House of high market food (relatively moderate price included), rather than a great restaurant of high cuisine in Madrid to use. Javier Aranda, a native chef from a village in Toledo, has just received a special mention as the second qualified in the competition of the revelation chef in MadridFusion. It moves by the stove since his teens. Obviously not he could escape from his step by Adolfo, the emblematic restaurant luxury in toledo or the Bohio neighbor, but she transited also by Ars Vivendi, Martin and Sant Celoni. Does not exist in this House an explicit tasting menu but is accepted without problem serving a clientele that requests it, as for example for the professional audience that filled the cheap restaurant in these days of gastronomic Congress half portions.

United States Markets

After a few turbulent weeks in international financial markets, in the beginning of this week you can breathe optimism and a little peace of mind. As I said in yesterday’s article and one day the markets changed humor ads in Governments to sustain their systems financial gave result and markets changed their mood. To complement the barrage of ads produced during last Monday, yesterday, USA.UU., confirmed the partial nationalization of banks consisting of the purchase of shares of such entities, what plan to allocate $250,000 million US $700,000 billion of the rescue program approved by the US Congress.The U.S., which ended dispel the fears in the market about the U.S. financial system. Calm in international markets and the brake to the meltdown of the American financial system, have undoubtedly represented a great relief to Mexico. Is that the Mexican economy, which already feel the impact of the slowdown (or rather, recession) was American economic, In addition, affected from other fronts that were threatening to generate a destabilizing effect. Until a few weeks ago ago, the American crisis felt in Mexico through reduction in U.S. demand for Mexican products and the reduction of remittances that Mexicans resident in the United States.UU., sent to the country.

But in recent weeks, the financial channel also began to feel the impact of the crisis in the U.S. financial system. The same Guillermo Ortiz, Governor of the Bank of Mexico, acknowledged in an interview the impact of the crisis on the financial channel saying: three weeks ago did not feel any contagion through financial channels, but already feel financial contagion. The turmoil in markets had resulted in a strong weakening of the Mexican currency against the US dollar, reaching quote at $14 per unit of the greenback. In this context, the Central Bank of Mexico came to sustain the trading of its currency, which had to pay a cost for not inconsiderable.


Its vaunted comforting populism is questioning his loyalty towards his country. You’re risking the security of the United States and the lives of their troops. That proceeding can lead to something that never took place in North America: A coup. Columnist John L. Perry Newsmax published an article that was censored and removed from the site, which refers to that remote, but not disposable possibility to dismiss the President.

Perry clarifies that if a blow to the United States, it won’t in the third world. It will be a civilized hit. From the legal and military point of view, American officials swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic. They do not swear to obey the orders of the President. BO is fighting an undeclared war against their own intelligence services and armed forces, who is not providing the support they need. Military see the possibility of that open new battlefronts in different places, without that they are ready to react in time.

Troops in the Middle East feel almost abandoned to their fate, since Obama is reluctant to send reinforcements, while the number of American casualties increase. BO He said: I am not interested in victory. What happens if you lose the war in Afghanistan and the pakistani nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of radical islam? American officials do not obey political slogans. Many are thinking in unusual action alternatives, to give back its economic and military dominance against the recklessness and megalomania of the President to United States.. josebrechner. com Biography cortAnalista InternacionalBiografiJose Brechner was born in Bolivia. He was Deputy – 1985-1989 – Ambassador, and a founding member of nationalist democratic action, centre-right political party. He chaired the Committee on foreign policy of the National Congress of Bolivia and acted as the official representative of the country at various forums and international organizations, including the OAS. During its activity Congressman was listed by all the press organs of Bolivia, as the best parliamentarian of the country. Regular columnist of opinion and political analyst with presence in prestigious newspapers of Latin America, North America, Europe and the Middle East, is the most widely read in the world Bolivian journalist. He participated in important television programs of the calibre of 60 Minutes and The MacNeil/Lehrer Report. Brechner is active supporter of private property, of the market economy and the freedoms and rights of the individual. Blogs similar Helicity Boson Python in the news again Oswaldo Paya nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

North American Airport

What could be a humorous notice in local newspapers, comes to be the desperate attitude of a Government that makes water before so salient evidence of corruption in the entire governmental system. The news of pistachios, with the presentation of the same Minister of inside, then the situation of spies and intelligence agents telenovesca, sear lately what has happened to him or rather the large fortune of a former Mayor and former Minister of the regime, precisely in place has been discovered more visible in ORB, such as a North American airport. Even if you try to defend themselves, as the journalists say it, his defense is inconsistent. But let’s go to the Pisthacos, which is clearly a maneuver to try to hide the relations of the Government and all of its members with the illegal University Alas Peruanas.

The judiciary amparo it, and even the Constitutional Court which was infiltrated by corruption, of that way yet, and be felt obviously before the failures to all clear as more unconstitutional, only to encourage corruption. Well there they have taken as an example made by Alan Garcia, which I hope in a golden exile to offences they oversight by what should be processed. What did the Constitutional Court is to accelerate the process so that Fujimori mafia comes graceful of proven allegations of crimes committed during his reign and I say reign, therefore not ruled, the opposite had as I feud staff to our country. Therefore the amnesia that the population seems to me incongruous more dispossessed has to try to support a candidacy as the Keiko Fujimori that is the heiress of late 20th century corruption and of which she has benefited very ostentatiously not only her, his family, that is registered by the investigative journalists has been published very conscientiously, as the Republic the fact in the journal and blog from the uterus of marita, with costs it has spent the Congressman in his studies, the pampering their graceful brethren who have benefited the National Treasury and the contribution of all Peruvians.

Minister Celestino Corbacho

There were small clashes when a few outraged trying to approaching the door to block the access of parliamentarians and agents prevented it. Firing into the air were heard. At this entrance of Ciutadella – as we can see in the live broadcast by Internet the outraged outside, screaming out and ragging the clothing of politicians, mainly their neckties and heels. Also heard chants of No there are bread for both sausage, not us move and rough politicians. Abucheados members one of the first members to enter has been the Socialist former Minister Celestino Corbacho, who has received a hissing sound as accessed on foot to the enclosure. Even Joan Boada launched a pot of red paint at the head.

The former Minister of Justice and member of the PSC Montserrat Tura has also been sprayed with paint in the back of her dress. For its part, the former Minister and Socialist Member Marina Geli and the Deputy of the PSC Esteve Pujol have been intercepted, surrounded and reprimanded before reaching the cord by more than one hundred indignant, by what you have had to retreat on its steps up to the Arc de Triomphe, distant more than 300 metres from the Parc de la Ciutadella. Once at this point they have risen in a vehicle of the Guardia Urbana to enter in the Parlament aboard the riot police vans. In total, approximately thirty members had to enter Parliament in police vans. Very sad to have to come to the Parliament in a van of Mossos, he regretted the former Counselor of Catalan health, Marina Geli, on his Twitter. Surreal, said citizens Albert Rivera, who explained how it had been brought to a police station in which the operative entry was organized with vans to the enclosure.

Outside, another tense moment occurred when several Mossos have had to pull out from among the crowd to a group of secret agents who had been discovered and were being surrounded. The outraged, that have reported that they have requisitioned them mobile phones, ensuring that they were trying to avoid the adoption of budgets that consider unfair. Some residents of the surrounding buildings have joined the protest with an en from the terraces and Windows of the houses. When have the demonstrators been aware of the full Parliament had begun, have initiated a campaign of courtship to the policemen, to those calling loudly to join the protests. Delay and nervousness started plenary discussion of budgets within the Parlament with some minute delay schedule, 10 o’clock, with only half of the busy House and powered by the difficulties that everyone has had to access the camera. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the President of the Government, has declined, the situation that we are living in the Catalan Parliament, any type of demonstration violent preventing the exercise of rights. Has tinged that previous statements in which ensured no concern about the drift of the 15-m movement Congressional President, Jose Bono, has said that the police has to exert the force against those who impede entry to the catalan Parliament or missing the respect for others, and has emphasized that the only rule in a rule of law is the law and the outraged have to comply with it. For its part the Minister Ramon Jauregui pointed to the outraged that there are certain red lines that cannot be crossed. She has said yes to democratic improvements but not coerce the democratically elected representatives of the people. Source of the news: helicopters and vans to enter the Palament and prevent graffiti, pushing and insults


Deputies, the date, the law will pass to the Executive for promulgation. Thus, a cherished dream will be made 18 years ago. Peicha, 18 ary rire, jarekota nane ko lei tuicha oipytyvotava ne ojepuru enguera retame has? au hekopete opaite mba epe. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS JEHECHAKUAA the adoption of the law of languages by members would not have been possible without the participation of committed and determined, in particular, the members of Parliament Dionisio Ortega, Ariel Oviedo and Emilia Alfaro de Franco, who developed positively for the treatment of the law of languages in the session’s date, even with preference in the order of the day, since the topic was originally in point 21 of 25 points to treat. Already at the meeting of the date, the Deputy Dionisio Ortega based the adoption of the law of languages, in his capacity of President of the Commission of education, culture and religion. Then, the Congresswoman white lilac Mignarro, in their status as responsible by the Commission budget, it also mociono the adoption of the law. Then the deputies Ariel Oviedo, Emilia Alfaro de Franco, did the same Victor Rios, Salyn Buzarquis, Cesar Garcete and Cesar Lopez.

To all those mentioned reach our surveys; and in general, all other deputies who vote in favour, cooperated in the approval and sanction of the law.


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Commission American

London.-a Holocaust occurred in each of the two world wars. In the first (1914-18) Turkey exterminated its Armenian population and the second (1939-45) Germany annihilated almost all the Jews of central and Eastern Europe. However, single genocide which officially recognizes us is 6 million Jews. This has served him to justify his actions in World War II, and then to always support Israel. However, for more than nine decades Washington has not catalogued as genocide the Ottoman of 1.5 million Armenians murder.

This, despite the fact that Turkey has a history of suppression of their minorities: in 1922 he would expel one million Greeks (the rest of its Christian population) and to this day refuses to recognize the language and nationality of its ten million Kurds. Looking for correct this incongruity of external affairs of the House of representatives Commission American voted a resolution describing the massacre as a genocide. Bush, however, wants prevent the Congress to endorse it because it argues that this would damage their relationship with Turkey, whom he considers a key ally in the global war on terror. However, the Armenian Holocaust is something much worse than the sum of all the massacres perpetuated by Al Qaeda. This shows the inconsistencies of Bush, who, in turn, has tended to ignore the way in which Turkey mistreats its minorities.