Finally the European Commission authorizes the advance payment of the payment of Aid CAP of about 250,000 agriculturists and Andalusian cattle dealers according to have communicated the Council of Agriculture and Fishing of the Meeting of Andalusia. The amount to anticipate for the second fortnight of October ascends to more than 600 million Euros, which is translated in 50% of the Aid anticipated for the campaign of aid 2010/2011. This amount supposes collection for 91% of the agriculturists and 93% of the total of rights of unique payment assigned the same, which indicates that proportionally, the advance amount is superior to 70% of the campaign 2009 in which 790 million Euros went ahead. From the 1 of December the 50 remaining percent of the aid to the Regime of Unique Payment will be authorized, including in addition approximately the 220 million Euros that the disconnection of the aid to the herbaceous cultures supposes in Andalusia, to trim off lower branches of, ovine-goat and citric. Also, one communicates that in these days resolution on the part of the Council of Agriculture has been emitted and Fishing of the Meeting of Andalusia, of campaign 2007, communicating from the Department of System Integrated of the Mentioned Council the justification of the payment of that campaign, in which following the Law of Administrative Procedure, they insist to us to present/display raised resource of in case of disagreement with the received payment. Original author and source of the article
Month: February 2014
Sevilla Old Book Year
Until next December 9 you can visit the XXIV Edition of the old book fair and occasion of Seville in the Plaza Nueva.XXIV Feria de Sevilla old book may reach the same from our hotels in Seville in a pleasant walk towards the center of the city. Twenty-one are the participating libraries, which come from Seville, Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Valencia, Granada and Malaga. Along with these, there are also booths of the provincial Council of Seville, the publications service of the city Seville and the publications service of the University of Seville. This organization publishes each year a book on the occasion of the fair, in this edition entitled traces and encantes of poet, Narrator and essayist Jose Carlos Catano. As a novelty, its makers have reported the beginning of a collaboration with the Faculty of fine arts of Seville for the poster of this edition. Thus, next year a public competition be held. This year’s poster has been the work of the student in their final year of Fine arts Ezequiel Barranco. Fair hours are from Monday to Friday from 10,00 h.
Fern Park
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Metropolitan Seminary
' ' , exactly that, at certain moments, let us can comment concerning the estruturao of Last Chords. 2? BIOGRAPHY OF the POET Jose Ildone Favacho Soeiro, who was born in Guard to the year of 1942, is poet, prosador and professor of Portuguese Language and Literature luso-Brazilian, having studied in the Pertaining to school Group Baron of Guajar, in Guard, and later, in Belm, the Metropolitan Seminary, the State College Breads of Oak and in the Federal University of Par. Formed in Letters in the year of 1976, Jose Ildone not only divulged Vigia Brazil measures, as well as he supported innumerable partner-cultural activities of the city (he directed the Literary and Beneficient Society Five of August and local Liga Esportiva and other entities) and lecionou during decades in the place. Also it exerted influential career politics in the city: he was municipal secretary, councilman, vice-mayor and mayor, in direct elections. True loving and a defending one of its native land, was elect Professor of the Year and Councilman of the Year, beyond having its appositive name in a municipal school of Guard.
In the capital of the State, Belm, comes collaborating per some decades in periodicals and magazines: Leaf of the North, the Province of Par, the Liberal one, Message, Goal, Aspects. 1981, it entered the Academy Paraense de Letras (Chair n 31), substituting the Incio appeals court judge de Souza Underbrush. In 1987, it collaborated with the TV Culture in the accomplishment of a set of documents on the city of Guard and, in the same year, First Station was homaged by the School of Samba of Guard, with the samba-plot Jose (Poet) Ildone. Ademais, Ildone participated of meeting and congresses in Par, Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo and Brasilia, beyond having received invitations for courses from Public Administration in Spain and the United States. Diverse of its poems they had been musicados and presented in public, in form of jogral, the city of Belm and Guard.