They had understood the message? To continue acting the wrong ones of the life, they never did not want that, in function of the 1439 machine, the Brazilian nation was knowing of initiated subjects when the lost ones to the way of India had this way arrived in port and continue to the wide in the current days with total force. What such to think about this guarded threat, to control the press? Or in other words to gag the press, not to investigate and to denounce what it is practised in the government level? To gag the press or to try such type of action is a tremendously authoritarian act. It must the author of practical coercitive and corruptoras, to the politician who understands to be a man who intervenes with the Brazilian governana. It brazenly nails the regulation of the media and for table of the press and a total engessamento of the State, having as base politics the elect Congresso.Que with the support of mounts of money deducted from governmental programs, its integrant ones is submissos to the interests of the articuladores politicians. The demoralization of the classroom politics is not guilt of the economic power and so little of the media (the press is read), it is collective guilt of the classroom politics as a whole. Exceptions exist and such exceptions are beneficial for Brazil, but unhappyly they are minorities.
Therefore it is in course an attempt of white blow of State. At the first moment where the press will be regulated and the Congress if ‘ ‘ fortificar’ ‘ the Democracy that always was our orienting north, will be finished. We go to understand as a strong Congress, those actions where the majority? Chamber and Senate define which the routes that Brazil will have to follow. But a strong Congress as to the architect of the mensalo wants and desires is a Congress where the liberty of speech are hindered, where the actions of the private initiative will only be approved, with the benepltico of the politicians in the power. The ones that govern and withhold the maiorias of the public offices of relevance in the federal administration. Unhappyly as we were speaking, this country was says discovered, for perhaps.