Ramon Gallegos

On the subject adds that the model of educational quality leads to nihilism, a loss of sense, learn to read without understanding what is read, learn math without knowing applying them. Being the quality is the concept main computer in the model reductionist subject-object, while sujeto-sujeto holistic concept computer is integrity in the relationship. Educational integrity is an inclusive proposal, with more human sense, with a view of the kosmos. The concept of integrity, in holistic education is used at two levels: as all of the kosmos and as a concept computer of educational subjectivity, by addressing the issue of educational evaluation, tells us that holistic education needs a global assessment where integrity and quality indicators are evaluated equally, with different methods on a global model considering all aspects, empirical data and criteria mental and spiritual, from the outside and from the inside target it and subjective it. In this holistic strategy, the reality and truth are two different things, the reality is the scope of the mental, and empirical data of the social construction of reality, the relative and temporary.

While the truth is the scope of being spiritual data. In such a way that in holistic education spiritual, mental, and empirical data are considered equally. Dr. Ramon Gallegos presents a comprehensive evaluation model that differentiates the educational integrity of educational quality, social individual where four different areas are evaluation criteria, devices and different data: System, culture, behavior and intent, are also defined as interobjetivo, intersubjective, objective and subjective of the educational field. Then we can say that education that humanity needs is the holistic education that integrate body, mind and spirit.

Thus learn and live are related, since as said Dr. Gallegos leave when you learn we die and we live when we are learning. On the other hand, Ramon Gallegos tells us that aactualmente humanity requires a new education to take her to a more comprehensive State, the alternative is the holistic education, this paradigm presents a framework for deep spiritual sense of life, your heart is spirituality and its objective the evolution of human consciousness to form integral human beingsOn the topic Add holistic education goes from basics to best, at the top, is a holarquica vision, is a hierarchy of development that look for the evolution of consciousness.

Department Factors

Forest ecology studies the relationship between forest phytocoenosis () and the environment, forests and environment in a broader context. The object of ecology are also certain types of wood and non-plants and other forest organisms. Thus, forest ecology includes both -logic (forest and environment) and autekologicheskie (individual species and environment) aspects. Wood – a natural unity, part of which is and the environment. Therefore, Department of Environment and Forests here is somewhat arbitrary, but it is necessary for the gradual disclosure of forward and backward linkages that determine the vitality of the forest and the nature of the forest environment. In forest ecology can consider two aspects: 1 – the impact of environmental factors on the life of the forest, 2 – ecological importance and influence of the forest on the environment, as well as special education, his usual forest environment. In the second case in question: the the impact of the forest beyond the space occupied by woods ("the" impact of the forest) on the impact on its own environment within which he occupied the space.

Thus, forest ecology examines the role of environment in the life of the forest as a natural unity, part of which is this Wednesday. On the other hand, it examines the environmental changes taking place under the influence of the developing nature of unity, which is the forest. All variety of environmental factors determining the growth conditions of the forest, his life and development, can be reduced to several groups: I. Climatic factors, including radiation, teschyuvoy, water regimes, composition and movement of air, etc. ii. Edaphic and orographic factors (soil, soil, terrain features, slope and exposure of slopes). iii.Bioticheskie factors (animals, plants, microorganisms). iv.

Anthropogenic factors. V. Historical factors. Environmental factors influence both on the forest as a whole and its individual components. In nature, there exists a complex influence of environmental factors, shown in various combinations. Change in one factor implies change the other. For example, a change in altitude, exposure, slope angle causes changes in climate, soil and other factors. Changing the lighting conditions in the forest accompanied by a change and thermal regime. The same amount of rainfall in the northern boreal regions and in some southern steppe regions. However, in the first case it falls in the prevalence of low temperatures, high humidity air and soil, at a reduced evaporation of moisture, in the second – the reverse combination. Hence – the conditions and the possible existence of forest at the same rainfall. In one case, the arborist has to contend with excess moisture, with the threat of waterlogging in the other – to seek means of increasing the moisture control soil salinity, etc. Thus, the forest is under the complex, intertwined influence of various multilateral environmental factors. Formed under the influence of geological, climatic, soil, biotic factors, the forest, in turn, itself influenced by these factors, it creates inherent in a particular environment. Consequently, the forest, affecting the environment changing it, he feels the effects of changes of environment. This environment is increasingly important for humans, not only locally but also in a global context, if you remember about the forest as an essential part of the biosphere. Despite the long-term study of forest interactions with the environment in many countries, science has not solved a lot of forest ecology, which must be one of the important scientific basis for the issue of "Forest and Man."

Soviet Communist Party

8 Decades ago Lenin led the Bolshevik revolution promising to go by dissolving the State to move towards a more democratic and egalitarian global society. However, the Soviet Communist Party spent another model (which would then expand to a third of humanity) in which grew statism and the power was concentrated in a new elite nationalist and totalitarian. In all those countries where the Communists came to power the successors of the leaders of the revolution they were replaced in internal domed meetings unless there is no popular election. No woman ever arrived at the head of any Socialist nation and the new Chief was always selected by the device. In Cuba and North Korea heir to the forger of the new socialist State has been, moreover, a relative of this (the son of Kim and Fidel’s brother). Raul Castro has sworn in as Cuban President asserting that in all important queried his older brother, though he promises to reduce bureaucracy and expand democracy internal (while ensures the single party monopoly and the continuity of the system). Original author and source of the article.