Yushchenko Integrity

In the case of the scenario a), the script is in) can lead to the introduction of armed forces on Ukrainian territory and the loss of territorial integrity. In the case of the activity scenario b) there is no threat to national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. Even some of provocation and paid for demonstrating "the people's anger" can not shake the situation. Thus, advocates of democracy and people acting "for fair elections without fraud and ballot box stuffing", becoming a force rocks the boat of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and can provoke a situation in which Ukraine cease to exist in its current borders. People who are supporters of the fraudulent elections, objectively become patriots, for the territorial integrity and preservation of the sovereignty of the country. Choice this seems complicated at first glance.

Of course, the sovereignty, territorial integrity and in the absence of foreign forces, are more important motive than Western-style democracy and "Fair Elections" with the shedding of blood for democracy. Human life and destiny, the preservation of peace and territories are the top priority, more substantial than this or that figure the president came to power. Thus, most likely, the President uses the situation to their advantage and in the course of the campaign will be a transparent hint to voters that maybe, if his election to a second term would not be recognized as legitimate and will not be accepted the masses of voters. These arguments will act. If Yushchenko and his team are properly used their chance, there is even a slight chance that does not need to falsify the election results.

Archbishop Alexander

Dagestan today shows an example of the whole of Russia, how can co-exist, how to live and build the future. " According to Archbishop Varsanofiya, sins affect our souls, and they become ill. Prayer – this communion with God, and this communication heals the soul. The same, of the friendly relations between people who hold different religious denominations, said the Mufti of Dagestan Haji Ahmad Abdullayev, head of the Jewish community of Dagestan Shimi Dibiyaev. By the number of faithful orthodoxy is in Dagestan, second only to Islam. In Makhachkalinskoye and Kizlyar Deanery consists of 18 parishes. Since 2004 country observed a marked increase in the Orthodox religious groups.

Since the revival of the diocese established a spiritual life, restored the old and new temples were built. * Stay representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in Makhachkala Makhachkala bed these days eminent bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. The reason for their visit to the capital of Dagestan, was the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the restoration of Baku and the Caspian Diocese. In Makhachkala, Archbishop Varsanofy profit – the Moscow Patriarchate, the Archbishop of Elista and Kalmykian Zosimus, Archbishop Alexander of Baku and the Caspian Sea. Guests were met at the Airport representatives of the Municipality of Makhachkala. Guests arrived in Makhachkala, the first thing attended a new church in the town of Kaspiisk.

The temple bell ringing greeted guests in honor of the joyful event. Lord of the church prayed and visited the church. In a brief interview in the Caspian Church Archbishop Varsanofy said: – It is our duty to attend the Diocese to familiarize themselves with the life of the diocese.

Conservative Party Kukava

But to make public the findings a week before the anniversary war that broke out on the night of Aug. 8, the commission is likely considered inappropriate. It is easy to assume that, along with the need for additional time to study the materials, the extension of the commission may be motivated by the desire to avoid the publication of the final verdict in favor of one party is on the eve of the anniversary of the war that can unwittingly encourage a diplomatic standoff and call someone too multidirectional emotions. Incidentally, in the social circles of Georgia, not only in political, waiting for the final conclusions of the commission Tagliavini is, of course, extremely interested in nature. For opposition forces that continue to protest against the regime of Mikhail Saakashvili, the president will be the proof of guilt of a new trump card to gain, with the onset of autumn, the pressure on the government, and they do not hide. Earlier opposition political leaders have repeatedly claimed that the team president, and he himself expects the inevitable exposure.

"The European Commission, no doubt, will present the findings were difficult for Georgia" – said and continue to believe leader of the "New Right" David Gamkrelidze, co-chairman of the Conservative Party Kukava, leader of the party "Georgia's Way" Salome Zourabichvili and other opposition politicians. Saakashvili's government has taken a different opinion that the Russian government, of course, do not share. Conclusions of the EU commission, if, say, to a greater extent coincide with the position of Moscow, will be an additional factor stimulating element and its legitimization political action for the recognition of independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and simultaneously a moral defeat for Tbilisi.

In Russia

Values should be sanded now and become stronger, but not released. Russia, in turn, not willing to pay attention to this weakness, considering today its most important asset – thinking, unnecessary and obsolete their artifact. Here are just defining views, behavior, behavior, and ways out of, and relationships everything else is thinking yavyaetsya. Only the nature and content of thought give a person leverage to simulate reality. And only the nature and content of thought of all the people can change the fate of state. In Russia, the general thinking is eliminated. Thinking of each individual focuses on only one – to survive and snatch. Everyone is focused solely on himself.

And it's not such times come. We have such steel. There is no point blaming the authorities. In it are the same people, looped on the same – to snatch and survive. They are merely a reflection of the quality of the soul of his people, formed by thought. It does not matter whether it is an ordinary mechanic or first lady of soul can be seen as essentially social thinking. So no one from the plumber to the first lady, there is simply no soul. If the public to the point of thinking to add specific features of thinking man, get a comprehensive picture of levers work will not make. A recent example: The behavior of DA Medvedev in Poland in response to questions concerning Polish journalist tragic events in Poland: "It was Stalin. We are for it's take no responsibility.