Air Berlin Will Keep The 200000 Seats Airlines Offered To Fuerteventura

The carrier Air Berlin, which ranks first in connections between the German market and Fuerteventura, with 29%, announced last may, that next summer will keep the same 200,000 offered the previous year during the summer season, and may increase even the total number of squares in small percentages. Marked by the company in Fuerteventura, strategies will be aimed at attracting individual clients as reinforcement to the sale of traditional packages, taking advantage of the diversification of the island in segments such as golf tourism or tourism of congresses. The importance of finding formulas that like this will counteract the less affluent tourists currently has through joint promotional campaigns drive, and reaching agreements that will ensure a flow of visitors which moves in a strip similar to the previous seasons. Germany is the first market, and Air Berlin a company that is key for Fuerteventura, both by the great number of connections that keeps with the island up to 14 destinations in three European countries – by the number of routes that were 1134 in 2008, second only to Happag Lloyd, who performed 1,364 routes. Air Berlin will connect 14 European cities with Fuerteventura, 11 Germans, two Austrians and a Swiss, reaching a forecast of more than 200,000 aerial places offered this summer. The total number of routes from the company in Fuerteventura was 1134 last year.

The airports that will have connection to Fuerteventura this summer through Air Berlin will be Cologne-Bonn, Berlin Tegel, Padeborn, Nuremberg, Dresden, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig, Zurich and Basel. It is the second airline company of Germany, which connect 20 cities in this country with tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, Canary and Balearic Islands, up to a total of 127. It currently has a fleet of 125 aircraft. The collaboration agreement between the Fuerteventura Tourist Board and Air Berlin will focus on the line to create a micro – site on the website of the company enabling to promote and encourage the sale flights to the island. Source: Fuerteventura magazine today.

Governments President

3 – His total support of the constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, who must be restored, immediately and unconditionally in charge that the Honduran people freely conferred on him at the polls. 4 – That the use of force to overthrow a legally constituted Government is unacceptable. 5 – Which is indispensable to guarantee the physical integrity of the representatives of the media and freedom of expression. 6 – The taking of parental authority to the post of acting President of the Republic of Honduras held yesterday in the Congress of that country, lacks all legitimacy by virtue of that was the result of a coup d’etat. 7 – As the sole legitimate Government of the Republic of Honduras is the header for the constitutional President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales elected by popular sovereignty through the ballot box, which we recognize as the sole diplomatic representative of Honduras to the personnel designated by the President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales. 8 – Call upon the armed forces of that country which are subordinate to his commander in Chief, the President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales 9 – before this grave situation that affects the sister Republic of Honduras, the mechanism requires the most absolute respect for human rights, and demand that the constitutional guarantees in that country are preserved. 10 – Create a Commission of presidential representatives to investigate crimes and violations of human rights by the coup leaders.

11 – Urge the extraordinary General Assembly of the Organization of American States that sesionara tomorrow, to take drastic solutions in order to restore democracy in Honduras and reinstall the constitutional President Manuel Zelaya Gonzalez Jose. The Heads of State and Government of the Rio Group, thank the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega Saavedra, for their hospitality and the facilities granted to celebrate this second extraordinary summit meeting. In synthesis, the leaders felt that the events in Honduras are a flagrant violation to the international law and considered unacceptable the use of force to overthrow legitimate Governments.The Group statement adopted unanimously ignored all legitimacy on the Government of Roberto Micheletti, appointed by Congress to replace Zelaya, as result of a stroke of Estado.Los countries members of the Group announced that they only recognised as representatives of Honduras to diplomats appointed by Zelaya and urged the armed forces to be subordinated to this as its maximum head.


Due to the significant development of the hotels in Mendoza, and the possibility of both land and air communication which the Province owns, Mendoza is the ideal city to develop events and congresses in a context of extreme natural beauty. The city of Mendoza has an important hotel plaza with establishments of higher quality where you can organize such meetings and achieve maximum success. Such is the case of the Executive Hotel that has major halls for banquets, exhibitions, toast, or product presentations. In addition the hotel offers in terms of audiovisual media technology, and the most exquisite catering service, of course irrigated with the fine wines from Mendoza. Also, the city of Mendoza has the center of congresses and exhibitions Governor Emilio Civit, with seven rooms for 7000 people, as well as a series of additional services such as restaurant, offices, Auditorium, and parking. We could consider that Mendoza is marking a trend regarding the organisation of such events multitudinous.

And the reasons to make this happen are very powerful. The city not only has these services, but are the natural conditions of Mendoza helping to memorable events. The climate is extremely mild, and mendocino landscape and the possibility of excursions to the surroundings of the city add to the appeal of the proposal. Mendoza Province is, thus, important national and provincial holidays. The most important of all is the national harvest festival. The same Frank Romero Day of parque San Martin is celebrated at the Greek amphitheater, and usually agglutinate increasingly more people year after year. In the last edition nearly 50,000 people could witness an amazing fireworks show, and enjoyed regional and national artists. Another national festival of great popularity is the national holiday of the livestock of arid zones, which takes place in General Alvear at the beginning of the month of May.

It is endorsed by the National Secretariat of tourism, and attracts more than 100,000 people attending massively to the exhibition of livestock, los corrales, dressage, and agricultural products exhibition livestock. It could be said, without a doubt, that month after month are performed various festivals and local festivals of regional importance at some point in the beautiful geography of Mendoza. If your holiday in Mendoza coincide with any of them, it is always possible to witness it and enjoy the many Argentine folk and traditional music shows that tend to be carried out. The circuit of Malargue – Mendoza holidays Releases

Jean Piaget One

(FONSECA, 1995, p.12) the author presents the child with a complete being, where affectivity, intelligence and motricidade meet linked total. Jean Piaget One another author who contributed for the advance of the studies of the psicomotricidade is Jean Piaget that studied the formation and the evolution of the intelligence of the child. When observing the Piaget children perceived that he is by means of the movements that if she develops intelligence, being motricidade the first form of communication, preceding the verbal language. The theory of Piaget possesss important concepts, that they show as the individual in elapsing of its development goes if adaptando to the way in which it meets inserted. In accordance with It would make (1997), we detach the concepts of project, assimilation, room and equilibrao. The contact that the child establishes with the environment, in such a way makes possible the discovery of its body and objects to its redor, creating, sequences of action or movements that form a totality that can be generalized in similar situations, the projects. The child who dominates the project to suck can suck chupeta, the seio, the toy etc.

The project corresponds when knowing to suck, independe of the sucked object. However, with the biological maturation and the stimulatons of the way the child removes the necessary information to its development, she assimilates and them. The assimilation is the incorporation of objects or the events to the existing projects. It is possible, favours experience and the experiences that the child acquired in contact with way. When the existing projects are modified aiming at to take care of the new requirements of the environment, occur what Piaget calls of room.