Revolutionary Military Council

Armored played a more important role compared with the tanks because of their mobility, coupled with significant firepower. Control over the railroads during the Civil War often became the deciding factor. At the same time The Red Army has devoted much time and attention to their armor. Already in November 1917, the Bolsheviks formed the interim armored council, whose task was to control for the 2nd All-Russian Conference on armored vehicles. The conference was organized to discuss issues related to the creation of armored forces of the Soviet state. In 1918, the functions of these organizations took the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS), which has taken practical steps to create a tank units. The first armored units were formed in May 1920. The composition of each team consisted of three tanks 'Mark V' of British manufacturing, six trucks and three motorcycles.

As had been built from scrap materials or captured tanks, other types of armored units were reorganized into three main groups according to the size of tanks. The tanks 'Mark V' were the group tanks type B (large), the tanks 'Whippet' – a group of tanks of type C (average) and the tanks 'Renault FT' – a group of tanks, M-type (small). Such an organization was more concerned with the problem of supply and relieved of command armored units than some ideas on the tactical role of different types of tanks. It should be noted that the division of armored forces into groups according to the size and characteristics of tanks in the Soviet Union became a characteristic feature in the period between the First and Second World Wars and during World War II and was directly related to the operational use of tanks.

Infantry Regiment

Above all in the family put the two concepts – the nation and homeland. After high school St. Sen. Sherrod Brown shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Thomas Aquinas, at the request of Charles parents entered the Jesuit college. Despite the fact that the French schools of that time was dominated by harsh discipline and cramming, Jesuit education was considered one of the best of everything that could afford allow the family de Gaulle. The boy was an apt pupil. His ability to quote from memory passages from Greek and Latin authors subsequently much admired by his colleagues. Then de Gaulle entered the Higher Military College Saint-Cyr.

After graduating from college in 1912, he was enrolled in the 33 Infantry Regiment, the new commander of the regiment was one Philippe Petain. Petain – the future Marshal, Minister of War and Prime Minister of France, as well as de Gaulle was born in the north country. He left a deep mark on the young de Gaulle, who in September 1913 was promoted to lieutenant. "Peten – a great man," – said Charles. By this time Charles de Gaulle already thinking about their own destination in life and believes that its meaning "is to commit in the name of France, an outstanding feat." With the outbreak of World War II, de Gaulle left for the front in the 33rd Infantry Regiment. He fought bravely and was promoted to captain. During the war, de Gaulle was wounded three times, and in 1916 in the battle of Verdun he found murdered and left on the battlefield, which he was captured.

Shostakovich Union

We have fun laughing about it – they say, "Soviet people learned to live on the books, and because they are not ready for life" – not realizing that this is the rate and guarantee a relatively high overall cultural and intellectual level of the country. We often government claims credit for the fact that the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transition to capitalism, we have experienced no civil war, mass casualties without – Keeping in mind that the immense social change has occurred in a country with universal secondary education. In a country where, relatively speaking, each knew what the "War and Peace." Emphasize that he knew and did not read. Clearly, the earlier Few people read it, but at least KNEW a godless country in this knowledge – that there is something higher than you, more than you do in this case, the culture – this knowledge has been replaced by religious ethics. Moral imperative. In fact, the basic cultural norm in the late Soviet Union was the literature of the nineteenth century – the Golden Age of our literature. This was a genuine "Soviet Culture" – and not social realism, which was even more artificial formation than the Soviet Union. Exactly as well as the highest musical standards in the Soviet Union was the music of Tchaikovsky, and not, say, Soloviev-Gray or Shostakovich. We are today, without noticing, we live, based on the cultural norm of the nineteenth century – but it's better than nothing.

Air Berlin Will Keep The 200000 Seats Airlines Offered To Fuerteventura

The carrier Air Berlin, which ranks first in connections between the German market and Fuerteventura, with 29%, announced last may, that next summer will keep the same 200,000 offered the previous year during the summer season, and may increase even the total number of squares in small percentages. Marked by the company in Fuerteventura, strategies will be aimed at attracting individual clients as reinforcement to the sale of traditional packages, taking advantage of the diversification of the island in segments such as golf tourism or tourism of congresses. The importance of finding formulas that like this will counteract the less affluent tourists currently has through joint promotional campaigns drive, and reaching agreements that will ensure a flow of visitors which moves in a strip similar to the previous seasons. Germany is the first market, and Air Berlin a company that is key for Fuerteventura, both by the great number of connections that keeps with the island up to 14 destinations in three European countries – by the number of routes that were 1134 in 2008, second only to Happag Lloyd, who performed 1,364 routes. Air Berlin will connect 14 European cities with Fuerteventura, 11 Germans, two Austrians and a Swiss, reaching a forecast of more than 200,000 aerial places offered this summer. The total number of routes from the company in Fuerteventura was 1134 last year.

The airports that will have connection to Fuerteventura this summer through Air Berlin will be Cologne-Bonn, Berlin Tegel, Padeborn, Nuremberg, Dresden, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig, Zurich and Basel. It is the second airline company of Germany, which connect 20 cities in this country with tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, Canary and Balearic Islands, up to a total of 127. It currently has a fleet of 125 aircraft. The collaboration agreement between the Fuerteventura Tourist Board and Air Berlin will focus on the line to create a micro – site on the website of the company enabling to promote and encourage the sale flights to the island. Source: Fuerteventura magazine today.