The Council

For all those who have no idea what this is about: The universe, about the corrupt Council of planets reigns, is divided into three from each other separate districts are divided. Two intelligent forms of life – people and Ikonier – populate two of these districts, of course mostly in the clinch with each other, unscrupulous Kampfthronarios and armed robots carry out at the expense of the civilian population. In the wars deserve the powerful Council of the planets, because its shares gaining rapidly on the cartels of the armor value. In the first district, which can be reached easily, a planet rotates his circles which on the one hand, refuge for persecuted, on the other hand preferred conquest field of the Defense Giants is: the Earth. In the fourth, just-released tape, Goethe’s Egmont plays an important role, because this fresh book brings a M ‘ baganianer called as evidence of an accidental time travel from the Earth with Fau Holl, after he had discovered a new transition in the first district. If you have read about Richard Blumenthal already – you may have come to the same conclusion. ” Fau Holl so that he wants to sell his knowledge to a Council of the planet’s corrupt politicians, prompting a wave of violence.

Not without reason the title of band is four: the Intergalactic Tragedy. Hemmanns idea of a replica of the universe Earth United Nations route so it combines the planets there, creating unimagined ways mentally to outsource problems of our present civilization. He proves that hardly a society of multiple individuals will be able without corruption, wars and power struggles. The entertaining entertainment is recommended from the age of 12. Never get bored. In the end, the question remains: when is the film? There is already a colorful Internet site anyway: for all who love the science fiction: Hamed with home field advantage for the opening reading during the 10th Elstercon 2010 at the 17 September at 18: 00 at the Leipzig home of the book (together with Jork Steffen Negelen) appears. “The Council of the planet – and fourth book.

Average Age

Already in our days our osmesmos trovadores and cordelistasso, them in general sing songs, create its repentes and recite literatures of oualheias proper compositions, as well as reproduce and create at the same time its proper histriasora of epic, lyric or satirical sort. The majority of them is writers, poets, singers and composers. The poesiatrovadoresca northeasterns reflects in its with characteristic even so very proper traditions epic and the Portuguese dapoesia lyricism of its people, carregandouma legalizes identification of the multiple expressions, translated for the cultural suasrazes historical egeogrficas. ValdomiroSilveira Writer, pioneer in the regionalistic sort, (1873-1941) in a Confernciaem Saints, as the extracted fragmentoabaixodescrito of texts preliminaresda workmanship of Leonardo Mota: Violeiros of the North; teceelogios to the trovadores of Brazil and the exaltaperante the Provenal ones of the Average Age. Citing entreoutros, Frederic Mistral (1830 -1914) lusitano writer, who fought for the regional omovimento of revitalizao of the culture of Provena and this if he all extended the south of France, alngua and Provenal literature in this period had come back to have the brightness quehaviam reached in the Average Age. (LAROUSSE, vol.6, p.3110.) Mota laments that: Our matutos trovadores had still not had a FredericMistral, of triumphant courage, that if it declared to them equal and came poreles, atos periodicals and until books, fazendouma new ' Mirelle' , in the characteristic language of regio.' ' (MOTA, BUENO, 1965, p.21), travelled for cidadesdo northeast and cantavamodas of viola. Ofolclorista Better Ansio when citing Xiquinha Ribeira declaracomo: Afamadavioleira of the hinterland of the Bahia, of andeiro spirit fazerpousada long in the place did not leave it where it arrived. Knowing to manejar the viola, noombro freed xale, arrested to it sings daboca umcigarro, docabelocom spotted the negrura a flower any, and was ready to win lguas and to go there to spill other people’s emoias the favour and the espontaneidade of its rustic repentes.

Metropolitan Seminary

' ' , exactly that, at certain moments, let us can comment concerning the estruturao of Last Chords. 2? BIOGRAPHY OF the POET Jose Ildone Favacho Soeiro, who was born in Guard to the year of 1942, is poet, prosador and professor of Portuguese Language and Literature luso-Brazilian, having studied in the Pertaining to school Group Baron of Guajar, in Guard, and later, in Belm, the Metropolitan Seminary, the State College Breads of Oak and in the Federal University of Par. Formed in Letters in the year of 1976, Jose Ildone not only divulged Vigia Brazil measures, as well as he supported innumerable partner-cultural activities of the city (he directed the Literary and Beneficient Society Five of August and local Liga Esportiva and other entities) and lecionou during decades in the place. Also it exerted influential career politics in the city: he was municipal secretary, councilman, vice-mayor and mayor, in direct elections. True loving and a defending one of its native land, was elect Professor of the Year and Councilman of the Year, beyond having its appositive name in a municipal school of Guard.

In the capital of the State, Belm, comes collaborating per some decades in periodicals and magazines: Leaf of the North, the Province of Par, the Liberal one, Message, Goal, Aspects. 1981, it entered the Academy Paraense de Letras (Chair n 31), substituting the Incio appeals court judge de Souza Underbrush. In 1987, it collaborated with the TV Culture in the accomplishment of a set of documents on the city of Guard and, in the same year, First Station was homaged by the School of Samba of Guard, with the samba-plot Jose (Poet) Ildone. Ademais, Ildone participated of meeting and congresses in Par, Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo and Brasilia, beyond having received invitations for courses from Public Administration in Spain and the United States. Diverse of its poems they had been musicados and presented in public, in form of jogral, the city of Belm and Guard.

Emanuela Mendes Kruschewsky

Death of the Milk of Carlos Drummondde Andrade* Emanuela Mendes Kruschewsky ** SUMMARY: The present objective article to analyze opoema Death of the Milk, of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, tendocomo thematic line poetry and politics of the poet. In this way they poemavem, to confirm it the participativa poetry of the author, as well as, to express opertencimento of a collective about the participant poetry deDrummond. ABSTRACT: Thisarticle aims you analyze the poem ‘ ‘ Death of Dairy, ‘ ‘ byCarlos Drummond de Andrade, with the subject line of poetryand politics poet. Then, the poem confirms the author’ s participatorypoetry, well express the belonging of community about thepoetry of Drummond participant. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Poetry; social enrollment; CarlosDrummond de Andrade. KEYWORDS: Poetry, social engagement, Carlos Drummond de problematic Andrade social seinstala in the space of the rhythmic and metric descontrao. He is nesseponto of its trajectory that unclasps, with calm vehemence ecauta, the thematic social politics and.

Engagement, the poet> Death of the milk. Nor therefore, however, the lyricism if absents to it of paleta: queautntica rank, the fraternal emotion for the death of the innocent young man vibrauma olmpica note, that if would say emanated of the natural reserve poetaou of it of the innate pendor for the transcendentalismo. (MOISES. 2005, p.448) CONSIDERAES INITIAL the poem results of the elaboration dalinguagem, whose process of manipulation of the words is made with oalvo to get one definitive effect thus and, to express certain visodo real. In this way, Carlos Drummond deAndrade, one of the biggest names of Brazilian Literature, became umcnone, for writing a literature that presents poetical flashes, circumscribed in the objective time where he lived and to the space brasileiroque served to it as experience in the world, if becoming dasmaiores figures of the Modernismo, thus also in our histrialiterria. In sight of this, this article has comoobjetivo to study the poem Death of the milk drummondiana engaged Poetry ; second, intitled: Analysis of the poem Death of the milk of Carlos Drummond de Andrade I with another one.