Death of the Milk of Carlos Drummondde Andrade* Emanuela Mendes Kruschewsky ** SUMMARY: The present objective article to analyze opoema Death of the Milk, of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, tendocomo thematic line poetry and politics of the poet. In this way they poemavem, to confirm it the participativa poetry of the author, as well as, to express opertencimento of a collective about the participant poetry deDrummond. ABSTRACT: Thisarticle aims you analyze the poem ‘ ‘ Death of Dairy, ‘ ‘ byCarlos Drummond de Andrade, with the subject line of poetryand politics poet. Then, the poem confirms the author’ s participatorypoetry, well express the belonging of community about thepoetry of Drummond participant. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Poetry; social enrollment; CarlosDrummond de Andrade. KEYWORDS: Poetry, social engagement, Carlos Drummond de problematic Andrade social seinstala in the space of the rhythmic and metric descontrao. He is nesseponto of its trajectory that unclasps, with calm vehemence ecauta, the thematic social politics and.
Engagement, the poet> Death of the milk. Nor therefore, however, the lyricism if absents to it of paleta: queautntica rank, the fraternal emotion for the death of the innocent young man vibrauma olmpica note, that if would say emanated of the natural reserve poetaou of it of the innate pendor for the transcendentalismo. (MOISES. 2005, p.448) CONSIDERAES INITIAL the poem results of the elaboration dalinguagem, whose process of manipulation of the words is made with oalvo to get one definitive effect thus and, to express certain visodo real. In this way, Carlos Drummond deAndrade, one of the biggest names of Brazilian Literature, became umcnone, for writing a literature that presents poetical flashes, circumscribed in the objective time where he lived and to the space brasileiroque served to it as experience in the world, if becoming dasmaiores figures of the Modernismo, thus also in our histrialiterria. In sight of this, this article has comoobjetivo to study the poem Death of the milk drummondiana engaged Poetry ; second, intitled: Analysis of the poem Death of the milk of Carlos Drummond de Andrade I with another one.