Many of these need pertaining to school transport to arrive at the school. No longer turn of the afternoon, the clientele is of population children that inhabit in the headquarters. In the groups of the night the feminine sex predominates. it was observed that the evasion is very great, does not know the causes of these upheavals. 3 – DESCRIPTIONS OF the ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN PERIOD OF TRAINING 3,1 Comment and co-participation a period that occurred of 17/05/2011 to the 3105/2011 mainly, where everything what it happens is newness, for trainees who not yet have or possess little experience in classroom. It is a very enriquecedor moment for all the involved parts, therefore, it is where professors, trainees and pupils are if finding for the first time, then it is natural that he has a new climate, of discovery or same, of uncertainties and doubts that throughout the period of training goes if breaking and when the work is in the apex of the development, is hour to lock up.
During this stage, I perceived that the professor-regent has many resources, works of dynamic form. It used the picture. He observed himself that although all the existing difficulties had interaction, interest and learning in the lessons. 3,2 Constructed planning at the beginning of the year, the Project Pedagogical Politician if finds with the direction to the disposal of the professors and also of the community. The Annual Planning indicates the lines of direction of the relation of the contents, objectives and methodologies for the execution of each discipline.
The Planning of unit was carried through of 01/06/2011 to the 02/06/2011. This is elaborated in the end of each unit and, with the orientation of the coordinators, participation of the professors and the direction. It was a moment of reflections on practical the educative one and where if it made questionings in relation to the high characteristic indices of pertaining to school evasion of the turn of the night.