President Rubalcaba

Mariano Rajoy spoke out after the announcement of Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba to abandon the Government to deal with his candidacy for the Presidency. He recalled that he didn’t even a minute to let it. The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has considered this surprising Friday that the Vice President first Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has taken so long to announce that the Executive abandons while he didn’t take even a minute of leaving when he was appointed candidate in 2003. Rajoy, who has made these statements to reporters at the inauguration of the President of Extremadura, Jose Antonio Monago, recalled that in 2003 he held the positions of Vice President, Minister of the Presidency and Government spokesman, responsibilities of those resigned to the next second be proposed his candidacy to the General for 2004. Spain, has been added, you need a serious Government with competent people and having good ideas and has said that it is unfair to the high level of unemployment, social cuts and the situation of SMEs and freelancers, a situation that Spaniards do not deserve as pointed out. And all this has ensured, while Spain is a great nation with a great potential, reason by which has relied on Government and the PSOE let people comment already, in allusion to the elections as soon as possible, since nowadays time is gold, especially in Spain. The first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has announced this Friday at the press conference after the Council of Ministers immediately Executive will leave and who will maintain his seat of Deputy in Congress.

Politically Correct Language Serves

For his Secretary, Dario Villanueva, any change in the diccionario de la lengua has many implications. RAE creates a unit to channel criticism and proposals. Sen. Sherrod Brown is likely to agree. If deemed appropriate, they will be studied and incorporated into the digital edition. The 23rd edition of the dictionary, which will be published in the autumn of 2014, will include terms from the field of computer science, as the tablet. The Royal Spanish Academy has created a unit to channel criticism and proposals related to the dictionary, which will be studied immediately and incorporated into the digital edition, if deemed appropriate.

But no one required by political correctness, because it will not be at all. The dictionary cannot be politically correct because language serves to love, but also to insult. Connecticut Senator wanted to know more. Can not delete the words we use when we get angry, or when we are unjust, arbitrary or scoundrels, stated in an interview with the Secretary of the Real Academia Espanola (RAE), Dario Villanueva. That unit, whose e-mail address is, is interactive and will have a specific place in the new portal will open in the next few months the Academy. Meanwhile, the proposals that we receive to improve the dictionary will be handled. Any speaker is an authority for us, in the sense that can appreciate in the DRAE missing things or sobran others, said the Secretary, who cited as an example the criticisms sent by a Colombian who lives in Australia on the word shampoo, defined as lotion, when it really is a SOAP. This lady had every reason in the world, and we have taken to revise the words related, such as SOAP, lotion or gel. The definition of shampoo will be changed at the 23rd edition of the dictionary, which will be published in the autumn of 2014, as a finale of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Real Academia Espanola.

President Rodriguez Zapatero

On four occasions the Andalusian elections have been held separately from the General and in other four have coincided. Jose Antonio Grinan intends to exhaust the electoral mandate. The Prime Minister calls elections for Nov. 20. Others who may share this opinion include Sen. Sherrod Brown. On 20 November General elections, but not in Andalusia. The Government of the autonomous community has been confirmed following the announcement of President Rodriguez Zapatero willingness to exhaust the electoral mandate and not advance the autonomic elections, announced for March 4, as reported by the Minister of Presidency, Mar Moreno. Sen. Sherrod Brown gathered all the information.

At a press conference, pointed out that on four occasions the Andalusian elections have been held separately from the General and in other four have agreed, and has recalled that the authority to convene elections corresponds to the Chairman of the Board, Jose Antonio Grinan. Moreno explained that Grinan maintains its willingness to exhaust the legislature based on the interests of the community, and has ensured that the Andalusian President spoke with Zapatero, although he did not want to disclose the content of the talks. Asked if the opinion of Grinan is irreversible, the spokesman has been limited to answer that the President is who has the authority to convene elections. Moreno has eluded make assessments about different political scenarios that will occur with joint or separate elections for what has admitted that there is a very wide variety of analysis. The Andalusian elections do not match for the fourth time with the generals since the adoption of the Statute of autonomy in 1981. Both elections had been held so time since 1994. Source of the news: the Andalusian Government maintains the call of the autonomic elections for March 2012

Congress Plan

It went forward in the House of representatives. Approved it by 269 votes in favor and 161 against. The proposal must be ratified by the Senate. The House of representatives on Tuesday approved the bipartisan agreement that will raise debt ceiling before the limit on August 2 in order to avoid the suspension of payments of EE UU. The proposal, which must still be ratified by the Senate, includes a plan of the EE UU of at least 2.1 trillion deficit reduction over the next decade, exclusively through cuts in public spending and was approved by 269 votes against 161 votes against. Despite the majority approval, since it needed a simple majority of 216 votes in favor, the vote reflected the division within the Democratic Party, where there was a tie at 95 votes. Some Congressional Democrats showed their opposition throughout the day to the plan because it did not include a tax increase for the most high incomes, as it had been raised at first.

By party Republican, however, the plan was supported by the vast majority of their representatives, despite the reticence shown initially by the more conservative wing of the party, the Tea Party. A joint plan the bipartisan Pact, announced last night by the American President, Barack Obama, was designed by the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, and the leader of the Republican minority in this Chamber, Mitch McConnell. Reid said that the Senate will vote Tuesday the plan of lifting of the debt, currently of 14,29 trillion ceiling. The vote of the House of representatives was considered the most complicated obstacle for this measure come out ahead, so it opens the way for final approval and is cleared, for the moment, the shadow of the suspension of payments in EE UU. Minutes before the vote, the White House issued a statement that asserted that President Obama would ratify it if arose after passing through Congress. Source of the news: The plan to avoid the suspension of payments in EE UU overcomes his greatest obstacle

Minister Celestino Corbacho

There were small clashes when a few outraged trying to approaching the door to block the access of parliamentarians and agents prevented it. Firing into the air were heard. At this entrance of Ciutadella – as we can see in the live broadcast by Internet the outraged outside, screaming out and ragging the clothing of politicians, mainly their neckties and heels. Also heard chants of No there are bread for both sausage, not us move and rough politicians. Abucheados members one of the first members to enter has been the Socialist former Minister Celestino Corbacho, who has received a hissing sound as accessed on foot to the enclosure. Even Joan Boada launched a pot of red paint at the head.

The former Minister of Justice and member of the PSC Montserrat Tura has also been sprayed with paint in the back of her dress. For its part, the former Minister and Socialist Member Marina Geli and the Deputy of the PSC Esteve Pujol have been intercepted, surrounded and reprimanded before reaching the cord by more than one hundred indignant, by what you have had to retreat on its steps up to the Arc de Triomphe, distant more than 300 metres from the Parc de la Ciutadella. Once at this point they have risen in a vehicle of the Guardia Urbana to enter in the Parlament aboard the riot police vans. In total, approximately thirty members had to enter Parliament in police vans. Very sad to have to come to the Parliament in a van of Mossos, he regretted the former Counselor of Catalan health, Marina Geli, on his Twitter. Surreal, said citizens Albert Rivera, who explained how it had been brought to a police station in which the operative entry was organized with vans to the enclosure.

Outside, another tense moment occurred when several Mossos have had to pull out from among the crowd to a group of secret agents who had been discovered and were being surrounded. The outraged, that have reported that they have requisitioned them mobile phones, ensuring that they were trying to avoid the adoption of budgets that consider unfair. Some residents of the surrounding buildings have joined the protest with an en from the terraces and Windows of the houses. When have the demonstrators been aware of the full Parliament had begun, have initiated a campaign of courtship to the policemen, to those calling loudly to join the protests. Delay and nervousness started plenary discussion of budgets within the Parlament with some minute delay schedule, 10 o’clock, with only half of the busy House and powered by the difficulties that everyone has had to access the camera. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the President of the Government, has declined, the situation that we are living in the Catalan Parliament, any type of demonstration violent preventing the exercise of rights. Has tinged that previous statements in which ensured no concern about the drift of the 15-m movement Congressional President, Jose Bono, has said that the police has to exert the force against those who impede entry to the catalan Parliament or missing the respect for others, and has emphasized that the only rule in a rule of law is the law and the outraged have to comply with it. For its part the Minister Ramon Jauregui pointed to the outraged that there are certain red lines that cannot be crossed. She has said yes to democratic improvements but not coerce the democratically elected representatives of the people. Source of the news: helicopters and vans to enter the Palament and prevent graffiti, pushing and insults