President Rubalcaba

Mariano Rajoy spoke out after the announcement of Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba to abandon the Government to deal with his candidacy for the Presidency. He recalled that he didn’t even a minute to let it. The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has considered this surprising Friday that the Vice President first Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has taken so long to announce that the Executive abandons while he didn’t take even a minute of leaving when he was appointed candidate in 2003. Rajoy, who has made these statements to reporters at the inauguration of the President of Extremadura, Jose Antonio Monago, recalled that in 2003 he held the positions of Vice President, Minister of the Presidency and Government spokesman, responsibilities of those resigned to the next second be proposed his candidacy to the General for 2004. Spain, has been added, you need a serious Government with competent people and having good ideas and has said that it is unfair to the high level of unemployment, social cuts and the situation of SMEs and freelancers, a situation that Spaniards do not deserve as pointed out. And all this has ensured, while Spain is a great nation with a great potential, reason by which has relied on Government and the PSOE let people comment already, in allusion to the elections as soon as possible, since nowadays time is gold, especially in Spain. The first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has announced this Friday at the press conference after the Council of Ministers immediately Executive will leave and who will maintain his seat of Deputy in Congress.

Devastating Earthquake

E l Earthquake 8.8 on the Richter scale that hit our country in an area of over 450 kilometers long, has not only denuded soils, and dumped their building costs, has also exposed the dark side of our society tremendously inegalitarian, envious and full of odiosidades, which emerge only in extreme situations. E l banditry in devastated villages, looting in major cities, is nothing but the dark soul of a people disguised in a false world brand clothing, which makes us see all the same in the streets, the mall, but whose soul who wear these clothes, is totally different to what we all thought as a virtue of our own society, solidarity. L to understand solidarity in these last moments of cataclysm, to create support networks, telethons, volunteering, solidarity is expressed in its very nature. Visit Ohio Senator for more clarity on the issue. Solidarity is an intrinsic virtue to humans exposed in the time limits, who is joined at the time of the earthquake than a brother, a friend, a neighbor to a stranger an animal, is solidarity that gave their lives for the other, which is joined to its own risk to be advised to rest fled to the mountains because it came the sea, is supportive of Juan Fernandez girl to see that the Tues rose to the island gave the alarm of disaster. Is it that employer solidarity mean that at your own risk of people who trusted him, built buildings that fell or broke like sand castles, leaving many of them locked up or dying in masses of concrete. .

Zapatero El Bueno In The EU Of Wonders (2 )

(Adapted from Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll) Episode 2: In the den of Parliament Zapatero had discovered that the White Rabbit was very versatile and that was the key to its success. Now seemed like a rabbit out of state, his ease and magnanimity with Madrid president conferred another dimension to his public. The AVE him very far. What would be your next stop? Maybe Moncloa? "Who knows. You can not trust anyone, "Zapatero repeated. The president continued to advance along the rabbit hole until you reach a hallway full of doors, but they were all locked.

When he found he could not cross any of them, cried with all his might call the Rabbit, but this did not appear. If you would like to know more then you should visit Richard Blumenthal. Then the president recalled that his Minister of Information had a key that opened all, a listening ear and eyes that saw everything. Without thinking twice, said aloud: "Alfredo, I know you see me and listening, so get me out of here now or Elena will withdraw the funds to develop more spyware against the PP. " And immediately, the door opened, giving way to an entrance no wider than a mousetrap. President kneeled, not to pray with Obama, but to look through that kind of passage for dwarfs. Was when he saw the most wonderful garden imaginable. It was the Community of Madrid. How I had to leave the dark rabbit hole and walk among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains But the door was very small and could not even pass the head through the opening.

Clinical Abortion

In Guatemala, like in Central America, a terrible diffusion of the sexual and reproductive health exists; the diffusion of the use of contraceptive methods and familiar planning is almost null. The incidence of abortions clandestine in Guatemala, where it is considered (for want of truthful and exhaustive investigations) that of each 100 Guatemalans, 10 die because of an abortion practiced in clandestine conditions. In the Guatemalan context (Central American, to the aim), he is or usual that the women must make the decision to practice an abortion, is legal or illegal. Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source for more interesting facts. That is the Guatemalan reality. The government, by his side, has acted of way in end preservative and sharp (although nonirrational, as in the case of Nicaragua) with respect to the subject of the abortion, allowing it, only when the life of the mother is in danger. It would be necessary to reframe the legal figures under which it is considered that the life a woman, a mother, is in danger or no.

Combined to this, the consequences in short, medium and long term for the women and the way in which to his it faces them society is the great controversies in any place that provokes east subject. The polarization in two groups: Those that are in favor of the life and those that are in favor of the election. The last ones, led to redefine those legal figures in which they are the women, the unique ones those who it concerns to them, the nature of its decision on the abortion. The first, affirming that at the time of the conception already it is invested by all the human rights, same ones that the States are conditional to guarantee, in its mere essence. Combined to this, the consequences in short, medium and long term for the women and the way in which to his it faces them society are the great controversies in any place that provokes east subject. The polarization in two groups: Those that are in favor of the life and those that are in favor of the election. The last ones, led to redefine those legal figures in which they are the women, the unique ones those who it concerns to them, the nature of its decision on the abortion. First, affirming that at the time of the conception already it is invested by all the human rights, same that the States are conditional to guarantee, in its mere essence.

The sociocultural implications of a pregnancy nonwished, in fact, condition the individual guarantees of these women in theory who although, they are protected by his government, they are at the mercy of his disadvantageous socioeconomic context, of which cannot save and to which, the State, little or nothing makes to improve. The same illegality of the abortion limits any doctor to that they practice observation of his labor ethics altogether. In Guatemala, in the very near future, any change is not seen east respect subject to the abortion (and the feminine deaths related to him). It is to demand, then, that the authorities reconsider the social policies of health, to improve them for a Guatemalan population requires that them without greater introduction. Early education in all the subjects to the sexual and reproductive health, was, is and will be, the unique way in which the State can safeguard the integrity (in all sense) of the women undressed Guatemalans, indeed, of its essential rights.

Carlos Tapia Bourgeois

CARLOS TAPIA, wild and stone in the shoe OF Humala Tasso. The revisionism when it reaches its maximum power to influence the oppressed masses, then turns into reformism conciliator with the big bourgeoisie and supporter of the system. That's what happened with Carlos Tapia, that its mere presence in the cabinet of advisers Humala result makes animosity among the masses for the revisionist as any hardened to achieve a state without exploited or exploited is achieved through successive incremental changes and peaceful and within the bourgeois system, accommodating their needs and structure. But beware, a review must be very careful, because it is not serving the masses, if not quite the contrary, that serve their personal desires, his self-centeredness, because it is self-centered and if on the way endangered their interests, if you are with the masses of betrayal, but it is the bourgeois system, sprawls for more favors and is deserving keeper of his former friends on the road. In this not only have clear examples, one is the same Carlos Tapia, on the other and by the same route is rural Idrogo Rounds. The revisionist serves as a model for the big bourgeoisie.

The model serves to address the masses and to relate to their interests and tell the masses: It is a great democrat, a great humanist, and you should be. And so we put forth as a model, this not to exercise our rights to complain. But if we are on the contrary, all the bourgeois system will come to us not to try to crush his head up ever.


His reign will further exacerbate the civil division. Their real policy making alternating periods of prohibition and permission of the Protestant religion exacerbates passions. And as if that were not enough to complete the picture, in 1584, Henry of Navarre, head of the Protestants, became the legitimate successor to the throne. "The kingdom, economically exsangue down to political chaos. The monarchy crashes into the Catholic League of Guise and meet with the so-called Day of the Barricades, in May 1588, its most serious crisis before the revolution of 1789" .

This time is Henri de Guise, who obsessed with her victories, dreams of overthrowing the king, who should in fact camouflaged escape the Louvre. Revenge of the King not long in coming: Dec. 23, when the call of the Estates General at Blois, the monarch invites the Duke of Guise and does kill by his own bodyguard. The next day murders his brother the Cardinal of Guise. Paris immediately counsel of the sixteen pronounce the fall of the king and appointed the Duke of Mayenne (other Guise!) Lieutenant General of the kingdom. In the following year, encouraged by the Pope himself to go to Rome to apologize for the crime, Henri III decides to ally himself nothing less and nothing more than his old enemy Henry of Navarre, and together they undertake the siege of Paris. It is precisely here, in Saint-Cloud, on August 2, 1589, a Dominican monk named Jacques Clement stabbed to death the king of France. The first thing to do Henri IV, during his first five-year reign, is to conquer his kingdom.

Cubano, The Cuban Revolutionary Party

Here you are outside and inside the country. follow the guidelines set by the totalitarian state that has great currency and to develop their consolidation, divide, divide, that gives you the advantage and always win, in every field. Prejudice confused everyone. If we do a bit of memory, Marti was a teacher who all mentioned, but never do what he did, unite, unite, especially in spite of all. The Cubans do not read Marti and if they do not understand it. Much more adverse circumstances than these times without telephone, Internet. Radio and television joined compatriots based on letters and voice.

We still call Marti, what a pity that demagoguery emerge as an inexhaustible source here and nurse, all thought of the apostle lean on your hearth, so blatant politicking and arbitrary. Who is willing to sacrifice themselves for their country, who took the word pair to add, not divide, who sacrifices his feelings and prejudices against others to reach an agreement and an anti position totalitarianism Cuba Cuban Revolutionary Party, was not an organization to policy was to unite the different trends, ideas, methods, criteria of form and content to a colonial dictatorship. Remember the book, General and Doctors, as well as the true patriots like Maceo, Maximo Gomez, Flor Crombet, Vicente Garcia.

Association Spanish

Because although the Council of Ministers has approved the referral to the Cortes Generales of the draft law of measures of promotion of the rent of houses of December 12 of 2008 and that it aims among others to streamline these processes of eviction, however measures that are collected are insufficient. They will not solve the problem of notifications tenants which is the main cause of the delay in these processes. Since currently in the Judicial path only are considered as valid notifications which are personally collected by the defendant or by someone who take care of her. If the subpoena or demand delivery attempt placing the tenant for the marking of the trial does not occur at first, because this this absent, has abandoned the property and is not located him, the framework of the process in the courts quite stretches in time. Having to re-quote you again, after find another home through Patrimonial investigation service through the same court, and finally if this also fails, you must be placed by edict. And not only this, but what after obtaining the owner the eviction judgment in its favor, to file new lawsuit requesting the execution of the same to get the launch and recover, as we say the use and availability of the property.

This procedure causes a great delay in the courts and who finally gets out injured is the owner who wait months and months to be able to recover the availability of premises, Office or home. The Government therefore has to amend the law (in the procedures of evictions) that with respect to the guarantees of defence to be given to the tenants, at the same time owners have a Judicial process according to which proclaimed the Spanish Constitution, and that article 24 of our Constitution, which guarantees the right of all persons to obtain effective judicial protection of the judges is collected and courts in the exercise of our legitimate rights, without that it may occur in any case helplessness. The law has to be amended and since the Association requests the Government its modification to avoid delays at the sites to tenants in the courts, and must be placed these only once. And if the same refusal by not be located the tenant, but the summons was communicated n the domicile stated in the contract as the domicile of the defendant, this should be valid without the need for new subpoenas that only cause unnecessary delays in the process and that only hurt the owners demanded. ASI has stated that the Secretary Gral, the Association Mrs.

Parliament Bono

The Socialist President of the Congress believes that it would be good new SAP. I am lightweight luggage but I think live always with the PSOE in my heart. Jose Bono, the Socialist President of the Congress, said Monday, although it has not made a decision, prriria does not occur in the lists of the PSOE for the general elections. In the Albacete town of Salobre, Bono did not want to dispel the doubts about his presence on the lists for the elections of Nov. 20. I am lightweight luggage, and probably good that the new Parliament constitutes without any inherited servitude of the previous, he has pointed out.

He pointed out that this should not be interpreted as a lack of support to the colours of his party, which today more than ever, it has secured dnder with force. The rose in the heart I think living with the PSOE in my heart until I die has guaranteed. And there is, as it has an Apostille, fruits that one has already tasted in sufficient quantity and quality and that now, believes, they should share other companions. Asked about future responsibilities in his party, has limited itself to saying: all who wish me. With respect to the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Bono has praised his intelligence, skill and ability to work. He has shared the words of the Deputy Secretary-General of the PSOE, Jose Blanco, on which Rubalcaba will be in front of the match 20-N pass whatever happens. It has argued that the Socialist don’t want to stumble again on the same stone as when Joaquin Almunia and Josep Borrell shared the split of the party.

Provincial councils also is has rrido to the words of Rubalcaba on the provincial delegations and has agreed on the need to suppress them, because in the current context of constitutional duties can be perfectly acceptable by other administrations. The President of the Congress has also made balance of the legislature, which has emphasised the agreement of this House and the Senate to publish assets, income and activities of members of Parliament from September 8. It has ensured that no is due to popular pressure derived from the 15-M. Source of the news: Bono considers not be presented to the elections of 20-N