Clinical Abortion

In Guatemala, like in Central America, a terrible diffusion of the sexual and reproductive health exists; the diffusion of the use of contraceptive methods and familiar planning is almost null. The incidence of abortions clandestine in Guatemala, where it is considered (for want of truthful and exhaustive investigations) that of each 100 Guatemalans, 10 die because of an abortion practiced in clandestine conditions. In the Guatemalan context (Central American, to the aim), he is or usual that the women must make the decision to practice an abortion, is legal or illegal. Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source for more interesting facts. That is the Guatemalan reality. The government, by his side, has acted of way in end preservative and sharp (although nonirrational, as in the case of Nicaragua) with respect to the subject of the abortion, allowing it, only when the life of the mother is in danger. It would be necessary to reframe the legal figures under which it is considered that the life a woman, a mother, is in danger or no.

Combined to this, the consequences in short, medium and long term for the women and the way in which to his it faces them society is the great controversies in any place that provokes east subject. The polarization in two groups: Those that are in favor of the life and those that are in favor of the election. The last ones, led to redefine those legal figures in which they are the women, the unique ones those who it concerns to them, the nature of its decision on the abortion. The first, affirming that at the time of the conception already it is invested by all the human rights, same ones that the States are conditional to guarantee, in its mere essence. Combined to this, the consequences in short, medium and long term for the women and the way in which to his it faces them society are the great controversies in any place that provokes east subject. The polarization in two groups: Those that are in favor of the life and those that are in favor of the election. The last ones, led to redefine those legal figures in which they are the women, the unique ones those who it concerns to them, the nature of its decision on the abortion. First, affirming that at the time of the conception already it is invested by all the human rights, same that the States are conditional to guarantee, in its mere essence.

The sociocultural implications of a pregnancy nonwished, in fact, condition the individual guarantees of these women in theory who although, they are protected by his government, they are at the mercy of his disadvantageous socioeconomic context, of which cannot save and to which, the State, little or nothing makes to improve. The same illegality of the abortion limits any doctor to that they practice observation of his labor ethics altogether. In Guatemala, in the very near future, any change is not seen east respect subject to the abortion (and the feminine deaths related to him). It is to demand, then, that the authorities reconsider the social policies of health, to improve them for a Guatemalan population requires that them without greater introduction. Early education in all the subjects to the sexual and reproductive health, was, is and will be, the unique way in which the State can safeguard the integrity (in all sense) of the women undressed Guatemalans, indeed, of its essential rights.

To Cross Europe

Towards three years that we planned the trip. My fianc2ee, Maril, work in a hotel very recognized of five stars in Buenos Aires. It was a year possible waiter, but, after much effort she had the luck of being able to enter fixed the administrative area. Its pay did not improve so much, but the sufficient thing to begin to make reality our dream travel and cross Europe. We knew that we were going to stay itself in cheap hotels of Madrid to begin the route. As for me, when we began to plan the trip, the things did not come well economically. Amazon recognizes the significance of this.

Our idea was to know France, Germany, Italy, England and, by all means, Spain. The idea was to make economic the trip possible. We knew, by contacts of Maril, that we would find many cheap hotels in Madrid, and that in England, although he was more expensive we would secure discount. As it said to them, my economic situation was complicated. In that one year it had three works, and between all it did not join nor to maintain my own expenses of food and passages.

He was substitute professor in a secondary school, editor for a page of Internet where it acquired an absurd pay and, in addition, sold publicities for a commerce guide. The truth is that the cheap hotels of Madrid seemed to me a dream more than a concrete reality. But how to say fianc2ee to him who was no form which we know Europe. The months happened and my economic situation did not improve. Meanwhile, Maril continued planning the trip, called to cheap hotels of Madrid and asked if they would take place within two years. I thought that if in a year did not accommodate my labor situation, never she could fulfill his dream of the trip. In any case, we would have to replace cheap hotels of Madrid, for a summer in the inflatable sink. Luckily, the past year they called to me of an important newspaper and they offered to me to write up notes for the area of cultural critic. I could not believe it. In addition, in the school it had managed to take hold more positions and the pay already changed to me considerably. My fianc2ee, that seemed that it had read the future, to pains and it smiled when I told the new features him. I suppose that somehow always it knew that together trip and our future, already were neat. We are to one hours to go to take the airplane. We soon go first a France and to Spain, where we will stay ourselves in one of the cheap hotels of Madrid. Soon they will have photos and new features of the trip.

The Client

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