Company Doctor Web

The company "Antivirus Center" jointly with the Russian developer of IT security company Dr. Web has made a gift to their partners for the New Year holidays! Since October 15, kicked off action "Snowfall gifts from Doctor Web, Ltd., which runs until the end of 2008. In a joint action can take part in partners who have purchased products in the Dr.Web "Antivirus Center." Results of the promotion will be announced in early 2009. Winners will be determined in three categories. In the first of them – "The largest volume of sales – will be chosen by two of the best companies, each of whom will receive a gift smartphone. J. Darius Bikoff may find this interesting as well. In "Best supplier of licenses" will be determined by the five companies-winners. To participate will need to purchase a certain amount of product by Doctor Web, Ltd.

for the entire period of the campaign. Each of the winning companies will receive a prize camera. To participate in the nomination "The successful purchase of a one-time" to do a one-time purchase of a number of personal products company Dr. Web. The number of prizes – flash-memory – in this nomination is not limited! Snowfall gifts could befall you, because until the end of the campaign almost a month! The company "Antivirus Center regularly conducts for its partners share product known companies. In 2009, planned for the new shares. Do not miss out! Stay tuned for the company's website About Us "Antivirus Center: The company" Antivirus Center is a leading distributor of software and IT-services with wide network of their own subdistributorov and partner companies. The main activity is the delivery of software and information security solutions of leading vendors.

The company also actively developing the distribution of office and specialized software. All necessary information about the company "Antivirus Center" you can get on the site or call (495) 921 40 08. About Doctor Web: Company Doctor Web, Ltd. – a Russian company, is a manufacturer and supplier of antivirus products under the brand Dr.Web, was formed in December 2003. The strategic objective of the company, which focused the efforts of all employees, is the creation of the best antivirus protection, meeting all modern requirements for this class of programs, as well as the development of new technological solutions that allow users to meet in armed with all kinds of computer threats.

Organization Culture

It is therefore important, make a survey addressed to the members of the company, as well as an assessment of the information that the organization is developing as a result of its current activity. The survey helps to know the changes that de should carry out in programs of the company, policies and behavior of management, in order to support the process of total quality. With this the authors specified, shall be determined if the employees are available to participate in the culture for total quality. He says, that corresponds to management the work of introducing the idea of quality in the cultural code of the company and the habit of continuous improvement, to do this, management must establish a vision or desired state of the company’s future, as well as their strategic elements Basic to the achievement. It is obvious, that probably change that will be generated will cause some disadvantages, everything will depend on how the management enter change and encourage people to participate more, when you are already accustomed to an organizational culture that has been operating for some time. This often causes distortion in the behaviour of the people components of the organization.

. Llorens, both sources, indicate that a large number of studies of organizational culture focused on cultural change. Many raised the following questions: does the current organizational culture is like and what are slab gaps between it and the culture needed? Should the organizational culture be like if you want to support the Organization’s strategy plan of action should be executed to reduce cost gaps? Personally, we consider the importance of ir explaining, pointing to the resource, the benefits arising from the changes, be open to their views, give answers to your questions and highlight the relevance which means to empathize with the change and support what total quality provides. Indicates us that they filmed, Saxton, and Serpa (1985) suggest that when the cultural change involves changing the rules of conduct, that can occur with relative ease since the members of the organization can articulate behaviors that are required for the current success, in contrast to the required so far.

To Cross Europe

Towards three years that we planned the trip. My fianc2ee, Maril, work in a hotel very recognized of five stars in Buenos Aires. It was a year possible waiter, but, after much effort she had the luck of being able to enter fixed the administrative area. Its pay did not improve so much, but the sufficient thing to begin to make reality our dream travel and cross Europe. We knew that we were going to stay itself in cheap hotels of Madrid to begin the route. As for me, when we began to plan the trip, the things did not come well economically. Amazon recognizes the significance of this.

Our idea was to know France, Germany, Italy, England and, by all means, Spain. The idea was to make economic the trip possible. We knew, by contacts of Maril, that we would find many cheap hotels in Madrid, and that in England, although he was more expensive we would secure discount. As it said to them, my economic situation was complicated. In that one year it had three works, and between all it did not join nor to maintain my own expenses of food and passages.

He was substitute professor in a secondary school, editor for a page of Internet where it acquired an absurd pay and, in addition, sold publicities for a commerce guide. The truth is that the cheap hotels of Madrid seemed to me a dream more than a concrete reality. But how to say fianc2ee to him who was no form which we know Europe. The months happened and my economic situation did not improve. Meanwhile, Maril continued planning the trip, called to cheap hotels of Madrid and asked if they would take place within two years. I thought that if in a year did not accommodate my labor situation, never she could fulfill his dream of the trip. In any case, we would have to replace cheap hotels of Madrid, for a summer in the inflatable sink. Luckily, the past year they called to me of an important newspaper and they offered to me to write up notes for the area of cultural critic. I could not believe it. In addition, in the school it had managed to take hold more positions and the pay already changed to me considerably. My fianc2ee, that seemed that it had read the future, to pains and it smiled when I told the new features him. I suppose that somehow always it knew that together trip and our future, already were neat. We are to one hours to go to take the airplane. We soon go first a France and to Spain, where we will stay ourselves in one of the cheap hotels of Madrid. Soon they will have photos and new features of the trip.

California Economy

The case of California is the well-known more, by the importance that represents within the USA. Schwarzenegger, has been forced to apply to forts and unpopular cuts in the public cost, affecting to essential scopes of the call Been of Well-being, as they are them the expenses in education and in social services. The depth of the budgetary pocket causes that the cuts realised until the moment are insufficient and they must think about new reductions of expenses. Thus and everything, the government of California anticipates a public deficit among US$ 12,400 million and US$ 14,400 million in 2010. In order to graficar the seriousness of the financial problems in other states, the government of Arizona thinks about renting the building of the Congress to collect money, whereas in the state of Michigan already the diminution of expenses in schools and hospitals announced. The risk that exists around the necessity of a fort fits public prosecutor on the part of a great part of the S-states that the same adjustment finishes in this way bringing about a vicious circle within the economy and, that imposes a brake to the perspective of recovery of the economy of the USA. What must make the governors? The conflict of ideas is important. What appears like a seen better measurement is than the governments of the states in problems decide to trim their expenses to fit their balance public prosecutors.

The problem is that this decision can deepen the situation of economic recession with new negative effects on the collection. The alternative one happens to pospone all adjustment until the economy acquires force and it does not undergo too much with cuts in the expenses. For Susan Urahn, director of the Pew Center affirmed: the decisions that adopt those states while they try to leave in front of the recession will have a fundamental paper in what so fast all the nation will recover.