Javi Martinez

In the coquettish AFG Arena of Saint Gallen, Chile gave a wiggle to the world champion, took the colors in a regrettable part for Spanish part, especially in defence. The thrashing was so resounding that it then enlarged the upriver of Spain. Wheel changes, and especially the irruption of Iniesta and Cesc in the second half offset the mess of the first time. The dynamic duo got the goals and with his game paved the way for the comeback. Unrecognizable, maladjusted and pass line, La Roja was merced of Chile, an evil enemy, a team with more football and game titles. For even more details, read what Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs says on the issue. With reason Del Bosque twisted gesture when Villar informed him the decision of measured at that brave and reliable equipment. s-with-mild-or-moderat/’>Wendy Holman. The lesson of Chile in the first half he portrayed improvised Spanish behind, where the absence of the titular Central (Pique and Puyol) and the precariousness of a unpublished as Albiol and Javi Martinez couple were greatly accused..

Dominican Republic

The accidentes of traffic generated sequels that have high costs. I mean in the worst cases to funeral expenses; medical expenses in case of injuries and rehabilitation; in insurance; in penalties; in courts and insurers; in acts legal and police; in properties, etc. That expenditure from national budgets are ultimately affected. Without taking into account the costs of suffering to the families, as well as borrowing often dragged with it these cases, to the point of impoverish them. Another factor to consider is that in the majority of events, those affected are in productive ages between 15 and 44 years according to statistics.

Something that we must necessarily indicate, since more than 50% of the fatal victims in the world are on this strip of life, where about 80% are male. According to the who in its latest report, the second leading cause of worldwide death in ages between 15 and 29 years of age is by violence on the tracks. Being the third leading cause in between ages 30 and 44. While the eighth is from 45 to 59. Last year an amount exceeding in Dominican Republic, where officially 1492 fatalities and injured 1478 were recorded 26,000 traffic accidents were reported. Very conservative figures, because a large part of the siniestralidades and its consequences are not reported for various reasons. However, the above-mentioned deaths, 83% were male; the remainder, women, according to State in other research work. Amazon might disagree with that approach. Now, the total of fatalities in this year 2007, 68% were involving motorcycles, this last element to which we have dedicated a reflection special jointly with pedestrians in our work entitled fragile users of the Pathways. At the present time, initiatives are promoted from instances of international power that the difficulties in the circulation can be quantified. High levels of global political power accompanied by influential social sectors motivate prevention factors are taken into account to improve road safety, which the same is to say, reduce the risks of fatalities.

International Cricket Council

According to the International Cricket Council (ICC), Richie Benaud, the former Australian Captain hear South African Herschelle Gibbs’s appeal against his suspension of 2 Tests. By Camilla Mancini during last Sunday’s game, Gibbs was suspended by 2 Tests, after being found guilty of committing an offense in third grade according to the code of conduct of the ICC. Some microphones in the Centurion captured Gibbs during the first Test of the game, using an abusive vocabulary and making racist comments about Pakistani supporters who were present. Amazon is the source for more interesting facts. By the way, at the end of the match Proteas won by 7 wickets. However, on Thursday Herschelle Gibbs filed an appeal against the suspension imposed by the referee Chris Broad and as said the captain of the Proteas, Graeme Smith, Gibbs will definitely participate in the second Test of the next game against Pakistan. The 32-year-old player will remain available to be selected until the delegate of the ICC in charge of the appeal decision announced Finish. It was assumed that the trial would be held before the start of the match in the friendly city, Port Elizabeth (PE); Despite the plans, the hearing has been delayed and the exact date has not been established. In the latest statement that gave the ICC on the matter ahead of expect make the judgment between the second and third Test of party in PE. Richie Benaud, was named Commissioner of the code of conduct in Australia, has worked as emissary for several years, which has made it very popular. Currently it has accepted to preside as the delegate of the ICC at the appeal hearing of Herschelle Gibbs, who will be held via teleconference.

South American Regional

The 3rd Summit would be held in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) on January 24-28, 2008. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Richard Blumenthal on most websites. The meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, conducted biannually, will formulate concrete proposals of action and executive decision. There will be the collaboration of the Chairman of the Committee of permanent representatives of Mercosur, of the Director of the Secretariat of Mercosur, of the General Secretary of the Andean Community, of the Secretary-General of ALADI and the Permanent Secretariat of the Organization of Treaty for Amazonian Cooperation and other cooperation and regional integration institutions; Sectoral ministerial meetings convened by the heads of State. They are made within Mercosur and the Andean mechanisms. Meetings and actions of infrastructure and the implementation of the agreed agenda of priority projects is carried out through the initiative of South American Regional integration (IIRSA); The troika of the UNASUR formed by the country to host the Summit and the countries offices the previous year and the following year. It will support the Pro Tempore Secretariat in their work. The Secretariat Pro Tempore shall be exercised in the annual and Rotary form by the Member countries of UNASUR between each UNASUR Summit. Countries that have pursued have been: Peru (2004), Brazil (2005) and Bolivia (2006).

Pursuant to decisions of the political dialogue signed during the first South America Energy Summit, it would create a permanent secretariat based in Quito (Ecuador). On December 9, 2005 creates strategic Commission of reflection on the process of South American integration. Composed of 12 members, its purpose is to develop proposals that will promote the South American integration process. And must deliver its recommendations at the II Summit of UNASUR (2006). Committee of senior officials (created by the II Summit of the CSN), transformed into a Council of delegates or Committee policy according to the decisions of the political dialogue. Among the most important works of integration are Wikipedia which says: the Union of South American Nations began their integration plans with the construction of the Interoceanic Highway, linking the Peru with Brazil through Bolivia, giving it an outlet to the sea, Brazil an outlet to the Pacific Ocean and Peru, an outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Construction began in September 2005, financed 60% by Brazil and 40% by Peru, and it is expected that you will lead for the year 2009. Continued you to this, the South American energy ring, so that Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay are catered for Peruvian gas: the Camisea Gas.

His proposal has already been ratified and will be his signature for the start of its construction in 2006. The binational gas pipeline, an energy project of integration between Colombia and Venezuela, was initiated on 8 July 2006 and will last for 24 months by the State Venezuelan oil company PDVSA. The construction cost is US$ 300 million. (See Uribe and Chavez give free rein to binational gas pipeline). Also included is the binational pipeline, which will be extended in the near future to allow Venezuela to export oil to the far East via the Pacific coast of Colombia. With French Guiana as the only exception, the rest of South America can be visited by any South American for up to 90 days with only presenting their national identity document.

Republican John Boehner

If the law that prevents the suspension of payments will be voted on this Thursday. The deficit reduction Act comes from the Republican hand. If approved it will go to the Senate, where Democrats can be knocked over. The White House urged Congress on Thursday to conclude the political circus with a commitment to avoid the suspension of payments before August 2 and reiterated that the Republican deficit reduction plan will be rejected by the Senate. Our opposition is any proposal that we return to this political circus again, because it has already had significant negative ctos in our economy, said Jay Carney, spokesman for the White House, in rrencia to the Republican plan whose vote is scheduled Thursday. The House of representatives votes, at the close of the markets, the plan promoted by its President, Republican John Boehner, posed by a reduction of almost a trillion dollars to the deficit over the next ten years. The Democrats, who are the majority in the Senate, and the White House they have opposed this plan mainly because it proposes to raise the debt ceiling in two phases, with a first that would conclude at the end of 2011 and the requirement of a new debate at the beginning of 2012, year in which the presidential elections will be held. We must get to work on something that can truly pass both Chambers (Chamber of representatives and Senate) with bipartisan support and can be ratified by the President, said Carney in his daily press briefing.

Return common sense to the American President, Barack Obama, already warned at the beginning of week the Republicans if the Boehner plan comes to his Office to be ratified, it vetaria it. Carney reaffirmed optimism from the White House that Congress resume common sense, so the compromise is reached. Obama has publicly endorsed the plan of the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, essentially consisting of a reduction in the deficit of 2.2 billion dollars in the next decade and that It would allow the federal Government fulfill its obligations until 2013, i.e., until after the elections. With a Congress divided, both Chambers are trying to advance their plans to less than five days to enforce the time limit, and without that, at the moment, none of the two parties, neither Democrat nor Republican, give your arm twisting. In the meantime, the U.S. Treasury has confirmed the deadline of August 2 as the moment in which the federal Government cannot meet all its obligations, unless Congress approves lifting of the debt ceiling, now 14,29 trillion, which would have to decide who pays and who does not source of the news: The White House urges Congress to conclude the “political circus” and reach agreement on debt

5 Tips To Double Your Sales In Internet

How can I double my sales? this should be a question that many webmasters and entrepreneurs on the Internet they ask in their minds. There are two ways of doing this: you can double your qualified traffic, or you can double your conversion rate, let’s say that you have a cup of 2% conversion. You may wish to learn more. If so, Richard Blumenthal is the place to go. I.e. make 1 sale of your product for every 50 visitors you receive to your website, if you get 100 visitors you’re doing 2 sales. You can however get the same result, with your existing traffic, doubling the rate of conversion (2 sales per every 50 visitors).

Here I leave you 5 tips to double your conversion rate: 1.-direct response. Make sure that your website is a direct response website, this means that the visitor to your web site must have the following 3 options: to) buy your product. (b) recommend your site. (c) leave your website. Among more options give your visitors are less likely to do a sale.

2 Offer free e-books. Offers e-books for free with the purchase of your product as additional bonus, this easily You can double your sales if the e-book is really very useful. 3 Have real testimonials. Make sure you have plenty of real testimonials on your web site from people who have been satisfied with the product you have purchased, preference shall be video testimonials where you explain the benefits that succeeded in applying what they have learned. 4. Follow up on your customers. Probably get heard this over and over again but it’s worth repeating it, persons who left their data in your autoresponder to receive more information about your product need to give them follow-up. People begin to buy products from the seventh letter, the greatest mistake you can make is to try to sell your product on the first contact, this simply doesn’t work as well the Statistics say so. The first contact produces 2% of sales after the fifth contact until the twelfth contact produces 80% of sales 5.-make additional sales. It is no secret that successful entrepreneurs generate up to 80% of its sales from customers who have already purchased them previously why?, people who have purchased previously are more likely to do it again, to me has happened to me. If the product I bought really helped me and was quality and me a high percentage that again to buy the same entrepreneur, since I know his work is generating benefits exists, I have confidence. So if you already have a customer or several customers who you have purchased, dales to know another product that complements the previous product that you bought there is a great possibility that you return to make a sale. To bit u know more how complementary sales I invite you to visit the article by clicking here if you follow these 5 tips can double your sales in line with the traffic that you currently have. Original author and source of the article.

Immigration Museum

The statue of liberty is one of the most important tourist attractions of New York. Lady Liberty, as it is known, is the symbol of freedom than expected the Europeans to the new world emigrants, and equal opportunities for everyone. Not in vain the vision of this impressive statue was the first thing they saw who, abandoning his homeland, came to New York Bay, from the old Europe. In fact, in against the liberty Island, Ellis Island, welcomed nearly 12 million immigrants. The statue was restored on the occasion of its centenary. Tuvioeron its restoration is completed for July 4, 1986, a day earlier was a great festival of rededication, in which at the end of the new image of Lady Liberty was discovered.

The original torch is currently exposed in the lobby of the statue. Its reform cost nearly $ 70 million. We can also get to the statue of liberty in boat, seeing from the sea and, then, on Earth. To do this we will have to take special Ferries for the statue of liberty from Battery Park, in the center of Manhattan, or the Liberty State Park in New Jersey. To also buy ferry tickets you can buy tickets for the Immigration Museum and can be visited parts of the own statue of liberty. The liberty island and Ellis Island are open to visitors daily from 9: 00 AM to 5: 00 PM except December 25. Ferry tickets cost $12 for adults and $4.50 for children. You can buy them at the monument national Castle Clinton in Battery Park or at the building and Museum from Terminal of the railroad of the Park Liberty State, on the New Jersey side.

To buy our tickets, we will have to take into account that the queues are impressive, by which it is best to go early, and buying tickets in written. Unfortunately, not always we can visit her, because it closes seasonally. But the views that are spectacular from the viewpoint that has in the Crown. From this we can see the most spectacular views of Manhattan, with its famous skyline. The Crown has seven tips representing the 7 continents, and for the face, served as a model the sculptor’s own mother. Our guide to travel to New York you will find more information about the statue of liberty and many other places to visit in New York.

President Rodriguez Zapatero

On four occasions the Andalusian elections have been held separately from the General and in other four have coincided. Jose Antonio Grinan intends to exhaust the electoral mandate. The Prime Minister calls elections for Nov. 20. Others who may share this opinion include Sen. Sherrod Brown. On 20 November General elections, but not in Andalusia. The Government of the autonomous community has been confirmed following the announcement of President Rodriguez Zapatero willingness to exhaust the electoral mandate and not advance the autonomic elections, announced for March 4, as reported by the Minister of Presidency, Mar Moreno. Sen. Sherrod Brown gathered all the information.

At a press conference, pointed out that on four occasions the Andalusian elections have been held separately from the General and in other four have agreed, and has recalled that the authority to convene elections corresponds to the Chairman of the Board, Jose Antonio Grinan. Moreno explained that Grinan maintains its willingness to exhaust the legislature based on the interests of the community, and has ensured that the Andalusian President spoke with Zapatero, although he did not want to disclose the content of the talks. Asked if the opinion of Grinan is irreversible, the spokesman has been limited to answer that the President is who has the authority to convene elections. Moreno has eluded make assessments about different political scenarios that will occur with joint or separate elections for what has admitted that there is a very wide variety of analysis. The Andalusian elections do not match for the fourth time with the generals since the adoption of the Statute of autonomy in 1981. Both elections had been held so time since 1994. Source of the news: the Andalusian Government maintains the call of the autonomic elections for March 2012

Jorge Martin State

Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez is the new hope for a next star in state politics and the State of Quintana Roo. Its recent election of Councillor for Playa del Carmen brings fresh blood in the Administration, with new policies smart in the middle of its objectives. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez objectives of advance people have turned it into a star in rise and an Ombudsman for the state.One of the most innovative movements Jorge Miguel Martin has been the creation of new jobs. Jorge has helped raise many of poverty, generate employment and opportunities. He has put a solid foot in the progress of the people. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez is looking for new perspectives to the minds of the State, to resolve the larger issues in the minds of many people in the State. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez has accumulated great opportunity in entrepreneurship and in advance of the State’s industry.

Businessmen and companies from around the world to Quintana Roo has brought. The perspective and one of their major goals of Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez is the creation of Quintana Roo as an economic power in Mexico. Until now, in his role as Alderman, Jorge has led to experts and business developers from Russia, Italy, Spain, United States, Brazil, China, United Kingdom, European Union, and many other regions, together to build the State of Quintana Roo in the future… Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez so far have accumulated much until now. tireless efforts of George to build the foundations of Quintana Roo and advance the people of the State in the end border, when asked where you can find all the time to devote to his work, Jorge said: my time is the time of Quintana Roo; I am obligated to spend it all in my work. Optimism and brightness of Jorge Miguel Martin’s career is one of the brightest we have today to bring to our State to the Summit and the progress of our audience is more not a complaint that had Jorge Miguel Martin Alvarez, is that there are no more bring positivity to this State.

Rebecca Francescatti

An artist called Rebecca Francescatti ensures that song saved much resemblance to another which she launched in 1999. He has denounced to Lady Gaga in a federal court of EE UU. Only Francescatti seeks recognition for what you created, according to his lawyer. Lady Gaga has been denounced in a U.S. federal court for allegedly plagiarizing one of his songs, Judas, included in his latest album Born This Way, according to TMZ. The complainant is an artist named Rebecca Francescatti, whose artistic name is Rebbeca d., who claimed that Judas saves much resemblance to Judah, song which she launched in 1999. Francescatti noted in the documentation submitted in the Court than that low outside its group, Brian Gaynor, now works for a music company that composed 17 songs to prepare Gaga Born This Way. Although the songs have different styles, the composition is the same and the choruses have the same melody, declared Francescatti’s lawyer, Chris Niro, who explained that his client is looking for recognition for what you created. Born This Way went on the market last May and is the third album by the chameleon-like Lady Gaga. Source of the news: Lady Gaga, accused of plagiarizing Judas, one of their hits