' Totalitarian state: Conception of the term in Hannah Arendt and its relation with others autores' '. The Totalitarian State occupied a special place in the circles and the quarrels of social sciences during century XX. To understand its formation, historians, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, had dedicated to its studies to this type of organization politics, have seen that this if expanded for some countries, having some sources in its constitution, differentiated one of the other. The example of this, we have the classic example of Nazism and the Bolchevismo, that Hannah Arendt studied and left exaltado in its book ' ' Origins of the Totalitarismo' ' (1951). In this workmanship cousin on the functioning of the Totalitarianism, according to author, the Totalitarian State is constituted of two basic pillars: the territorial Imperialism and the Anti-semitism. Still in accordance with as xenophobia racial hatred and, aspects, chaste Arendt preconception if constitute in instruments of vital importance for maintenance of the absolute power.
Norberto Bobbio (1983) defines the Totalitarianism as a form of new domination, because it is not only limited in destroying the life politics of the man, but yes its institutions and its capacity of affirmation in the society, isolating it, being submitted its will. The destruction of the capacity politics of the man must, among others factors, to the intense ideological propaganda where the population of the Totalitarian State was inserted (Nazismo and Bolchevismo) and also to the use of the terror, that the destruction of opponents intensifies, therefore taking advantage the fear in the society, each citizen if would become a member in potential of the system. Being thus, to see itself free of a possible persecution on the part of the repressive agencies, they finish for exposing any type of situation that can be considered conspiracy suspicion. The fear, therefore, becomes a constant element, eliminating morally and socially the population, that is at the mercy of of state agencies of the benevolence of the dictator.