If the Caologia shows to a private order the governartudo, why the human chaos would not have also an underground Government in the command? When we enter emconflito with an adversary most prepared, it is easy to foresee that the resultadono will be favorable, and that is obvious excessively to deserve greaters commentaries. Damesma forms, when an entire world, all subdivided in fragile nations edesesperadas before the strange noises quevm of deep of the centuries (as in the poem of Matos Coast) and before ausnciade the solutions that do not bring other problems, if debate against an enemy fortee disfarado well, is arrived the hour to stop to reflect. The daily pay-existence dosarsenais superior and of the best ways of detention of ours ‘ ‘ potencialidadesblicas’ ‘ , increased of the previous examination of the conception of each intrauterine life, defato grants ‘ ‘ to the other lado’ ‘ all the advantages in the great conflict. Perhaps check out Amazon for more information. ahumanidade then would walk accurately for where it walked, i., for the atualestado one of things, of the fragility, the not-happiness and the not-solution. However nothing that sediga of ‘ ‘ vantagens’ ‘ of the other it will be able to surpass the old strategy, denounced portodos the Christians, of the capacity of if making occult or, more still, of the efetivadescrena that promote in relation to its proper existence, cumprindoexemplarmente cartilha of the tactics of war in its more decisive item: ‘ ‘ to never leave the victim to distrust that possuainimigos, leaving it to live a false peace and until the pride of its defesas’ ‘. With effect, to discredit that he is being attacked or same that exists uminimigo it is the supreme guarantee of the victory, in any type of war (that the former-combatants of the Vietnam odigam). The reality then would mainly noseria almost nothing of what we imagine, in our optimistical dreams more belose.