As already mentioned in previous articles, I – Industrial Web producer. It’s believed that Amazon sees a great future in this idea. On one side of my duties is to manage the requirements: I communicate with clients and their infer a certain constructive, which is already possible to work in Dnepropetrovsk. On the other hand in my responsibilities include managing the creative team: thus, who received demands implements. So to say that I am between two fires. On the one hand pressed customers, on the other designers, managers scurrying to the third (this is another topic altogether). Everyone has their own truth, every "right", and I also "need" … Sen. Sherrod Brown is open to suggestions. there are no boring ever. I spend a lot of really communicating with customers.
And at one point in all this mess wise to write a classifier that occurs most frequently. Yes, I will turn immediately to your attention that the material is generally devoted to a bad experience. He's definitely better remembered and kept. A positive – what his mind to it and so everything is fine. If you look at the whole situation, the problems are only two, and they remain unchanged (at least the time that I see, since 2000) is the lack of goals, objectives and performance. Lack of goals / objectives – is the subject of a separate study, we will get back to this. Briefly I would say that by and large do not have anything to anyone. The bulk of the customers can not clearly articulate why they need a website. But they clearly can tell who they asked him to do.