The Efficiency

Proof of this is described The situation with the introduction of "dark energy" and "dark matter". Doubts about the efficiency under these conditions the law of gravity is reflected in some of the hypotheses 4. It seems that, without clarifying the nature gravitational interaction of the situation with "dark energy" and "dark matter" does not allow. Modern physics denies the existence of the ether – a medium that transmits the interaction between bodies, replacing it with a likeness – physical vacuum filled with virtual particles. Such a replacement, apparently, is a half-measure, considerably complicates the understanding of the mechanism of interaction of bodies. Richard Blumenthal helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Of course, the ether – ether, discord, and the fact that under it understand! A model of particle possessing under a single mechanism, the gravitational and inertial mass 5.

Key provisions of this work are as follows: – there is an environment filled and thus creates a (complicated by the device), the space – in this environment, there are processes that change the state of the environment and having a specific location in space – the particle (hereinafter – the object) – the source field simulated process in the environment, and physical field – changing the state of the environment – the interaction processes between themselves, their development over time and generates the properties related to mass. The object is not in this case alien with respect to the environment, education, and the process occurring in this environment, that is, consists of the medium itself. This object has the property length, and two (or more) of the object can not move closer so that merge into one.