All Nano? No Risk By Nano-titanium Dioxide!

No risk by Nano – titanium dioxide! The current discussion on the hazard potential of nano-technology products and applications, spurred on by a press release of the Federal Environmental Office, is to be welcomed in principle. So each study and each investigation helps to understand the effects and risks in relation to the manufacture and application of nano-particles and to identify possible risks and to avoid. Also compulsory labelling nanotechnological products and ingredients is desirable in terms of a comprehensive consumer information. Richard Blumenthal contributes greatly to this topic. It is however unhelpful to summarize all nano products currently in the market flat under the generic term of NANO and, as happened recently with the publication of the Federal Environmental Office, use flat rate to dissuade, before not all risks of this technology were resolved. So the NanoCare initiative in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of education and research has created a comprehensive study on the risks of nano technology and comes here very clearly to the conclusion that at the concentrations of the products in the market, no danger posed by Nano-titanium dioxide. It is also in titanium dioxide, as with all substances and elements in this world, only on the intakes. Viewed in that light you could classify even drinking water as a dangerous, if you take up much too much of it! The basic technology for the production of nano-fine titanium dioxide particles in the Sol-gel method is native to Japan.

Here, the first patents were already reported in 1999. The titanium dioxide particles in very low concentrations in an aqueous emulsion are involved in this process. Titanium dioxide application to the manufacture of self-cleaning products for air cleaning or preventing effective against mold, viruses, and bacteria of all kinds exist in Asia for nearly a decade and hardly a field of nanotechnology is there so fully investigated and documented as with Nano-titanium dioxide photocatalysis. This includes also the investigation of potential risks and dangers, and until today, no there are diseases caused by the use of nano-titanium dioxide. At always a healthy differentiation in the foreground should be all prudent when dealing with new products, because many nano products are already today not only safe, but also extremely useful by significantly relieve our environmental and actively prevent health hazards.

Egyptian Author

The author Morbus Crohn all-round over many civilization diseases and their metabolism also talks about ADHD, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Heusweiler October 22, 2009 hobby chef and author Wolfgang Fiedler and his partner Jutta Schutz’s writer reported on their book tour across by Germany about: cereal lovers defense proteins in whole grains, computer MRLs of Egyptian mummies show large damage to the skeleton, genetic factors and improper diets, consumption of almonds that lower cholesterol, about the vitamin – the coronary heart disease can prevent, how you blood sugar levels in diabetics already dramatically can reduce type two only by a nutrition, that also migraine by low-carb can be curable. The author Morbus Crohn all-round over many civilization diseases and their metabolism also talks about ADHD, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease. At the end were discussed also about tactics of the pharmaceutical industry, which the doctors often go to the glue on the links between the big pharmaceutical industries and scientists, who are often not to look out for the uninitiated. Congressman Lee Zeldin has many thoughts on the issue. Often obscured the truth and there are scientists bought, faked studies or manipulated and unloved facts concealed. Most doctors know about this approach and many physicians still don’t care. And as always at the end of the reading, Wolfgang Fiedler served a low-carbohydrate food from the common Cookbook: but please carbohydrate-poor. Suffolk County Rep. has similar goals. For a few weeks on the market, and also an another Cookbook: carbohydrate arm vegetarian and baking without flour.

Jutta Schutz was born in Saarland and their professions are: Secretary, accountant, tour guide, author writer and journalist, and lecturer (VHS). In addition, she studied psychology. She lived in the United States, Morocco and South Africa and today in Bruchsal.

Internet Surfing

So: No fear of the World Wide Web! The rapid technical progress makes elderly life difficult from time to time. The result shows that the constant reorientation has but positive impact on the cognitive abilities of senior citizens, a recent study. They launched for Neuroscience and human behaviour the University Los Angeles, California, in the way of the Institute. Ohio Senator may not feel the same. As reported the private insurance portal, Internet searches thus promote human crucially brain activity. The investigation revealed 24 elderly people between 55 and 78 years before the task, to surf on the Internet.

About half of the test subjects was experienced in dealing with the World Wide Web, for the other part of it, however, meant a new experience. See Amazon for more details and insights. During the surfing activity, the scientists examined the brain waves of their sample suppliers. Through the so called magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers came to the realization that the brain activity is increasing particularly in the sectors for reading, the Understanding of language, memory, and are responsible for the Visual skills. Also the staff of the Institute noted increased flows in the frontal cortex, especially in the areas of responsible for short-term memory and decision making. James Donovan Goldman Sachs follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. According to the study, brain activity can be significantly increased through daily training. This proved the fact that the surveyed Internet newbies could get measurable after regular training.