Periodical Challenge

I write the substances of the edition of the month of November of the Periodical Challenge of the Capital of the State of Pernambuco, Recife. I participate of some, amongst as many cultural events that they occur this way. Month of the year has a cultural agenda for each. It called my attention for the importance that the recifense gave the Week of the Black Conscience. It had a programming that wide it was spread out in all the medias having involved lectures and walked. The Walked one against RACISM was organized by the Public prosecution service. The Act left Office of the attorney general-Generality de Justia, from the 14 hours and all had covered of foot, the stretches between the building of the Bar Association of Brazil, Court of the Justice of Pernambuco, Palace of the Government and State legislature. The bands showed the following calls: one to look at without preconception for the black population.

In the CDL great debate happened on law 10,639 that it deals with the study on the history of Africa and the Culture Afro-Brazilian in basic and average education. The lectures had happened in some points of Recife. In Fair of Santana, where I coexisted almost per 20 years, the biggest city of the bahian interior is the Capital, Salvador, a city with almost 900 a thousand inhabitants and many blacks, with a culture reverenciada for its people, the black movements are not intense thus, because the majority of us, including (me) already acquired the conscience of that we are a people alone. But Recife fights bravely for this conscience. The delay of a community starts to disappear when it fights to surpass its deficiencies, even though the intolerncia how much to our next one because it is black, it is not deficiency and yes an illness. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Paulo Coelho. Mine two children, girls who I created and I guided for the life are creatures highly evolved, educated and that if they infuriate with the majority of its friends and friends mountain range-talhadenses that had not had the same education and they are prejudiced how much to our black brothers. Why Mountain range Cut, that is a sick city of preconception, thus does not praise a movement in the Week of the Black Conscience?