they pass to have the respect of the world, as maximum Authority of a Church, or better of a Country that does not have Weapons. Who of Fora and Respeitabilidade to these fragile Men seno God All Powerful Father. Why I am emphasizing, inside of the Ireja Catholic the Apostlica Succession? Because this does not exist in the day the day, in the things of the world, for example. The ministry of uneducated, tried to implant, already in this school year, in the schools of all Brazil, famous Kit and only not it fz because the resistance that found inside of the Congress was so Great, for the Religious ones in general, that the minister preferred to keep a time, but said that it goes to implant it, but before goes to talk, with these sectors, to convecer of the necessity of the execution of this aberration. Why the Minister, covardemente, wants to implant this idea in the schools already in the first pertaining to school series, and perhaps even in the day-care centers? Because it starts to be a brainwashing from primeirissima infncia and there, everything will be Normal for the Latest Generation. Already it is Normal, for that it comes happening, imagines inside of this system that wants to implant. The Truth of DICTATORSHIP GAY is that the World will pass Reger. I must declare that I am not against the homosexual, but radically against the practical one of the Homossexualismo therefore it wounds all the Human and Religious Principles. Each one MAKES of its life what to want, but TO IMPOSE DITATORIALMENTE, is that it is a FADED SHAME, CRETINA, SRDIDA, CRUEL that vo to only understand when to give to accounts the Mr.! Or better, to understand they already understand and know of Estrago that goes to cause; with this she does not go to have necessity of as many explanations and yes, very probably, ARCAR WITH the CONSEQUENCIAS GO, therefore NEVER they will be able to argue that THEY DID NOT KNOW of the EVIL that were making a time that everything this and much more, (abortion, homossexualismo, research of embryonic cells, censorship, Christian persecution, etc) is part of a great plain very elaborated ' well; ' SUJO' ' politician. GOD IF FEELS SORRY OF OUR POOR PERSONS SOULS – THEY LOVE –