Iran Policy Committee

It is about fear of losing its dominant position in the Islamic world, fears that the Islamic Revolution would lead to the dismantling of the obedient West monarchies and regimes in Islamic countries, including Turkey, of course. And if you get rid of the yoke of Western countries and peoples of the Muslim East, followed by anti-Western (which will mainly take the form Anti-American, of course), "uprising" and reverberate through South and Southeast Asia, the Far East, Latin America … Speaking candidly Richard Blumenthal told us the story. It turns out that war is not just with Iran – and for the opportunity to continue to control and exploit rest of the world. Of course, built, and the "internal threat" from an Islamic coloration for Russia and China, so that these two giants, at least temporarily, but would act if not at the same time, then at least "close" with the West … Despite the fact that oil-rich Gulf countries are interested in strengthening sanctions against Iran, the attempts of these states (again, read it is necessary: the United States and Israel) to postpone the official Beijing to Tehran through increased exports to China oil from these countries do not reflect the real situation. On this October 23, said the head of Iran Policy Committee, University of Michigan Tanter.

U.S. wants by strengthening sanctions against Iran to bring Beijing official to the position of the leading Western countries, he said, but rather China's "indifference" refers to those efforts. According to experts, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, although it will provide China with oil completely, "suspending" of Iran, Official Beijing has suspended investment in Iran's energy sector.