Human Resource Management

Currently, according to authors the area of Management of people, (what also already he was considered has little time of Human resources) left of being only the bureaucratic area and/or department of staff to become inside in the main agent of transformation of the companies. Old and ‘ ‘ empoeirado’ ‘ department of Human resources acted only of formal and mechanist form, where the employee stops remained only the obedience, the execution of the task, and to the head, the majority, authoritarian, antidemocratic control and total centered. With the evolution of unions and also consequentemente of the organizations, the employed calls had started to be considered collaborating, and its heads, managers. Through sufficiently easy and accessible a language, (fact that we do not find in many workmanships). The text is sufficiently clearly and excellent when it approaches the necessity of competition of the companies and the society in this imposition, this having to the market of work total globalizado.

However, the salient author the importance of a look in the search of, enabled determined, competent people and at last, collaborators in potential and not only mere competitors; however, for this he happens will be indispensable a bigger valuation of the human capital, that starts to be the differential in this proposal. The objective to improve the performance, to reach resulted and to reach the institucional mission takes to the full attendance of the necessities of the customers and all the organization. A marcante characteristic and cannot be discarded in the Management of People is the effective participation, qualification, envolvement and development of all inside of the company, this without exception. Still it is possible to affirm that although the Management of People to be a subject so argued and current in the area of Administration, not yet passes of speeches for many organizations, or at least, a practical action did not become.