This is not in only one state! The connivent Brazilian states with the safadeza, bad caratismo, negligence, job of the money of the health in proper benefit are all, to the disembarassed roubalheiras, campaigns of! They know why? These scoundrels do not depend on stuffed hospital of poor persons to be taken care of. Up there it is a hospital with I do not know how many specialists to the disposal of those usurpers and all corja that already it left there, but it continues usufructing of the benefits and stewardships. Amazon can provide more clarity in the matter. It will be that still it is possible to believe that the health comes back to have health, if recouping to assist the Brazilian people less favored and why more or less not favored them because they pay high taxes and they exactly deduct after the retirement a good amount for the Providence, that lately is not preventing at least the attendance of emergency! That God helps in them and makes with that the representatives of the people in this great called space Brazil not they use the great destined richnesses, for the Federal Government, to the states and cities to be employed in the area of the Health they are not deviated shamefully as it comes happening it has much time! It is possible to cure the Brazilian health, is enough that our representatives create a little more than shame, do not steal in such a way, therefore exactly deviating to the pocket a good parcel it is still a great addition to apply exclusively in what it was destined: the health of the Brazilian people. As well as it is cannot be! Daqui little, the Brazilian people turns baderneiro, it leaves of being ordeiro and obedient and goes to the streets and why not to the Senate of the Republic to the Federal Chamber and where more if to make necessary e, then, will show its force and will demand that its rights are respected no matter what. Our representatives back in the high one, beyond the majority to be imcompetent people, are, some, more than half century fighting for Brazil there, only in the campaign speeches, but nothing they make of what they nail to deceive trouxas that they always continue voting and innumerable times to the wait of that in that mandate repeated the disembarassed ones make something to improve at least education, the health and the security! She is necessary to modify the Great Letter, our exceeded Constitution, benefiting only great thieves those hundreds of representatives, who only they represent itself same, the family and the parentada one! The majority already got used the illegality that finds normal to invade our islands, our areas, to apply the money of the people in proper benefit as if the totality of the Brazilian people did not understand of politics it did not have knowledge of the occured barbarities in the meetings to approve something in favor of the people, who most of the time, what it is priority is engavetado, because the majority was not present.