Vasily Petrovich

All of us it is difficult to catch the moment when the future becomes the present. For a man in search of work, this becomes a continuous expectation. It would seem that I was not so bad, and comprehended the necessary science and received the necessary skills and demand did not occur. In periods of economic and political turmoil such a state can overtake anyone. It does not matter, young professional or a skilled worker. Not be amiss to remember that every employer in times like this has every right to assess and reassess the efficiency of its staff. And so, only that you were respected and seemingly irreplaceable leader of the first link, and Vasily Petrovich your eternal assistant at picked up and suddenly! It became obvious that your function has long been divided and the same Petrovich able to replace the entire marketing department, including you, and your part-time salary.

It's a pity? Reasonable. As an old miniature from Raikin. Where you were from 8 to 11? The employer, of course, all the loves and respects, but the time has come and now it does not work in your favor. It is foolish to dispute the fact that this stress. And during times of stress a person lays in either the past or in the future. Where have you? And how to get there, given that the shelf life of any specialist, as the car is limited not only time but also the technical condition. And more specifically, compliance with current requirements, a topical content and timeliness, in the end. What do you stand now and how does it prove? Not for a party yet again, the right word? Although quite a decent version of events.