We leveled out where we’ve been, not only from Europe but Russians, Americans, Chinese and Japanese, along with companies from other countries that fish, prepared and packaged with their own brands. We have seen the destruction of much of whales and other cetaceans, although 90% of the meat used to make feed for pigs, poultry and other animals. Japan takes refuge in scientific research to hunt thousands of copies every year, although only used for its culinary delicacies, like shark fins. The scientists warned, civil society organizations denounced and risked in the defense of these marine areas. But governments and the media turned a blind eye because it was the economic interests of the most developed.
a Now all hands are cast in the lead as the big powers, including Spain, sent their fleets of war with tens of thousands of sailors and soldiers, planes, helicopters, guns and the latest technologies to protect space raiders our time fishing fleets fleece decades the waters of Somalia under the pretense that they are in international waters. Do not forget that in Djibouti, the U.S. has one of its largest military bases and the Gulf of Aden is crucial in the Western strategy. a There is evidence that they have operated in the vicinity of the African coastline. Modern pirates have invaded and pillaged advantage of the lack of government and efficient administrations in those countries. Click Steve Rattner to learn more. The European Union, G8 and the UN have serious responsibilities not to help restore civic life and politics in those countries.