Historical Patrimony

It rejects the resource of the Valencian City council against the suspension of the plan. The Government considers that the plan constituted an act of " expoliacin" of the historical patrimony, reason why he decreed to his cancellation " inmediata". The sentence prevents to the Valencian Town hall to continue with its plans. The Supreme Court has rejected the resource of the City council of Valencia against the suspension of the Special Plan of Proteccin and Reforma Interior (PEPRI) of the Cabanyal ordinate by the Ministry of Culture, according to has informed east department in an official notice. The Ministry dictated to an order the 29 of December of 2009 declaring that the mentioned city-planning action, that anticipates the prolongation of the avenue Blasco Ibez until the sea, constituted an act of " expoliacin" of the historical patrimony, reason why it decreed to his cancellation " inmediata". The City council of Valencia interposed a contentious-administrative resource before the National Hearing against this decision of the Government, who also was rejected, and he elevated later it to the Court Supreme. Amazon brings even more insight to the discussion. According to it indicates the Ministry of Culture, the sentence prevents to the Valencian Town hall to continue with its city-planning plans in the Cabanyal. The order of the Ministry was based on a sentence of the Court Superior of Justice of Madrid and on another one of the Supreme one, that ratified the competition of the State in the protection of the Historical Patrimony. Source of the news: The Supreme Court ratifies the paralyzation of the plan of the Cabanyal ordinate by Culture in 2009.

Constitutional Court

It is excluded, therefore, that can prohibit a manifestation by his " posible" incidence in the electoral process. In particular, the TC considered that the Provincial Electoral Meeting of Barcelona raised " dudas" on the repercussion of the manifestation of the mossos when rejecting it by " to be able to have incidencia" , an expression that indeed was used by the Electoral Meeting of Madrid to reject the concentration summoned in the Door of the Sun (Madrid). And in the reflection day? Identical conditions are the demanded ones by the Constitutional Court so that a manifestation can be developed agreeing with the day of previous reflection to an electoral call, doctrine that was put of relief with the shelter asked for by Platform 8 of March of Seville, to which it was prevented to go out the day of the Woman Worker of 2008, which it agreed with the day of reflection of the last general elections. In the sentence of the Constitutionalist, on the 15 of November of 2010, the high court remembers that in the reflection day electoral propaganda cannot spread nor be realised acts of electoral campaign, but adds that this does not mean that during that day " any manifestation cannot be celebrated whose object has something to see with the political debate and, therefore can influence indirectly in the decisions of electores". For the high court he is " elemental" that all meeting can " to connect itself in last trmino" with the political debate and " with the decisions of electores" , but it says that dndiendo this argument as prohibition cause arrives " to absurdo" to prevent " all meeting or manifestacin" in a reflection day. " The mere possibility that a vindication can affect the electorate shows like insufficient hypothesis to limit the right of meeting in period electoral" , the TC insists. Learn more about this with Amazon. Source of the news: : The TC esteem that only can prohibit manifestations if its aim is to catch votes

Consultative Council

It maintains bench in Them Corts, the one that has left free Alberto Fabra. The ex-presidents can enter to comprise of Consell Jurdic Consultiu (CJC). Camps resigned the past from its position of president of Catalan Autonomous Government 20 of July. Expresident of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government Francisco Camps and will ntrar to comprise of Consell Jurdic Consultiu (CJC), as it anticipates the statute of ex-presidents, and although will maintain the act of autonomic deputy, will resign to the pay that receives of Them Corts Valencianes. Thus they have confirmed it sources next to Camps, that already has asked for its enter this consultative organ like permanent member, without temporary limit and with life functions, which allows him to act with voice but without vote in the Consell Jurdic Consultiu. The members of the CJC are put under the regime of incompatibilidades established with general character for the high positions of the Administration, reason why Camps will be able to maintain its bench in Them Corts Valencianes, something that will do, according to the same sources. Francisco Camps occupies now bench that let to vacancy Alberto Fabra to the appointed being president of the Catalan Autonomous Government and occupy the first armchair of the blue large stone bench, and feels in the third row, between the mayoresses of Valencia and Alicante, Rita Barber and Sonia Castedo, respectively. Camps resigned the past to the position of president of Catalan Autonomous Government 20 of July, five days after the Court Superior of Justice of Valencian Comunitat (TSJCV) would decide to begin oral trial against him by denominated ” cause of trajes” of the case ‘ Grtel’..