Many people dream about repairs to his apartment to collect a certain amount of money in order to understand whether it is sufficient to accomplish all the dreams and plans, they seek information to price firms and newspapers with ads from private owners. They specify certain prices for certain jobs, so many are beginning to calculate the budget. If the amount is suitable, then begins proring performers, followed by work order, but here and begin to material differences with your assessment of the cost of works and the real, could significantly swell the budget due to some unaccounted your pricing factors. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is full of insight into the issues. The first – the price specified in price lists, as a rule, are very conditional, because they depend not only on the execution of the works, but also the timing, quality level, the specifics of the interior, complexity, and so on, all this might as and reduce the cost of the work, though rather Second – you simply calculate the cost of the works themselves, without the training to carry them out without additional work. A simple example – laying laminate flooring may require removal the old floor covering, the resulting surface preparation, installation of baseboards, cleaning. As a result, simple styling is complemented by numerous works, blowing the budget. Credit: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs-2011. Conclusion: do not start an assessment and repair with smooth places ", ask friends and relatives who and how did they repair, whether they are satisfied employees, maybe it is worth to follow their example.