Rights in connection with the ov , saying that "State as a political organization is peculiar desire to expand his power and unlimited, and not vice versa. The author correctly points out that "the state as a political organization is not able to acts of self-sacrifice in the form of restrictions and difficulties of its own procedural requirements and the law. It does this not because of awareness of their own depravity and inability, without legal limitation to exclude arbitrariness on its part, but because of external compulsion to do so. Such coercion has a society that is a social and material basis for a viable state "21. Fourthly, the state – is completely closed social organization, is a continuous current bureaucracy, perform public functions for the members of which is constant and predominant activity (ie, occupational, profession). In the Middle Ages a prominent British political activist T. Moore in his book "Utopia" said: "When I watched carefully and thinking about all states that thrive to this day, honestly, I have not met anything but certain conspiracy of rich, under the pretext and the name of the state think about their benefits. " Caste exclusivity and social closure of the state organization provided the right. And notice, mn , "people are often at the same time is nothing more than social background, political or ideological screen behind which lurks real state power belongs to a particular ruling stratum, class, the ruling group or social stratum. Past, regardless of whether they are called, and seems to be in practical everyday life are the true holders of state power, the real creators of domestic and foreign policy "22.