Dutra Government

In 1962 a group of militant carries through a Congress of reorganization of the Communist Party of Brazil not considering the Brazilian Communist Party as the same left established in 1922. XX the Congress of the PCUS served as estopim of a battle that if it stopped inside has many years of the Communist Party of Brazil. This battle knew its height during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956? 1961). The party had supported Juscelino. However, the economic opening that its government promoted left grumblers some of its main pictures as Joo Amazon and Mauricio Grabois. The PCB did not open hand to support government JK. This support was reaffirmed in 1958 when the direction of the party divulges a document that was known as the declaration of March.

This document had as objective main to it reconquers of the legality of the PCB and displayed a trend conciliadora that the party would start to adopt. Following this line of reasoning, the declaration of March foresaw the change of the name of the party that would pass if to call Broken Communist Brazilian. This change of nomenclature was decurrent of the used justification for the Dutra government in 1947 to annul the register of the party. The insatisfao of Amazon and Grabois with the Central Committee was so latent that they had culminated in the exclusion of both of the same in 1957 and its expulsion and of several other controllers of the party from 1962. In 1961, Joo Amazon and Mauricio Grabois, supported for about one hundred other militant grumblers with the lines of direction of the Central Committee, its instisfao had written a document revealing. This document was known as the letter of the one hundred. The group that signed the Letter of the one hundred, according to its proper version, reorganizes the party in such a way not recognizing the Party Brazilian Communist as being the same PC established in 1922.