A reality where young constantly they are seduced by the power that the weapons of the traffic can provide to them, with this, the life more goes if becoming each banalizada day. A reality where children veem in the dealer the figure of the respect and, the possibility of being one day as they, to be also respected, thus disclosing, a search for equality of possibilities, what it means, beyond the desired respect, the ambition to be able one day, to use expensive clothes of mark, cars and etc a society where if it values another one for what it has and not for what it is, for certain, results in the manufacture of these types of yearnings. Thus, for these children, the amused trick more is to dissimulate that she is the dealer with its force represented in the power of the weapons. E, if will not have will politics to correct this picture, great part of these children of today will be the delinquents of tomorrow. The set of documents ‘ ‘ Notice of a war particular’ ‘ the film ‘ ‘ Troop of Elite’ ‘ she only came to inside become well-known a constant battle of a Country that if says Pacific. A world where young police if sets to fight daily in a war where does not have winners..