Center Rio

After that, 14.78% and 13.85%, respectively in the regions South and North. It is also examined that, 55.86%, that is, 12,211 EES had come out in the domestic territory from years 2000 until the year of 2007, thus perceiving a growth in the order of 4.798 enterprises in relation to the previous period (SENAES/SIES, 2007). In this last period, the Northeast region, with 38,90% continues leading the EES creation. In sequncia, it is had: Southeast (22.24%); South (17.59%); North (10.68%) and Center-West (10.59%). Table 1 – Amount of EES for date of creation (in absolute numbers) Creation of the EES/per decade Center Region decade 1900020136 decade 1910010203 decade 192001011113 decade 1930 18041225 decade 19400704314 decade 195001556632 decade 19603308203091 decade 19702395233236209 decade 19801567631862262301,561 decade 1990 7033.7151.0278711.0977.413 decade (partial) 2000 up to 2007 1.2934.7501.3042.7162.14812.211 did not inform 311021022917281 total 2.2109.4982.6563.9123.58321.859 Source: RANGEL (2010). Extracted data of the SENAES/SIES (2007). It is important to recognize in this study, the first experiences identified in the Brazilian territory.

It has a century more than, the precursory states had been Rio Grande of the North (01 EES) and Paran (01 EES) in 1901; Rio Grande Do Sul (02 EES) in 1902 and Pernambuco (01 EES) Minas Gerais (01 EES) in 1903. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Amazon. It enters the years of 1910 and 1950, 87 autogestionrias companies had emerged in the country and the biggest manifestation of these initiatives if it shows in the states of the Rio Grande Do Sul (19 EES), Rio De Janeiro (13 EES), Alagoas, Pernambuco and Rio Grande of the North (7 EES) in each one of these, totalizing 53 EES. In the state of So Paulo, particularly, the city of Mirandpolis in 1935 was the precursor as for the solidary economy. It enters the decades of 1960 and 1970, distributed between 30% and 70%, respectively, 300 EES had emerged. Of the totality of the participants of the solidary economy in Brazil, the percentages of 38,25 and 32,14 (the greaters) can be observed in the regions Northeast and South, respectively.