This is not to rub the pile. After collecting the fluid, see a specialist dry cleaner to restore the structure of hair and carpet cleaning. Silk Carpets can not be vacuumed with a brush attachment on their own, can only be smooth nozzle. Otherwise, the pile will be broken – a silk thread is unwound. Curtains should be vacuumed itself every three – four months Domestic vacuum cleaner with a special attachment to collect dust curtains. Do not forget that the greatest amount of dust accumulates on the curtains at the top, about 50 centimeters from the curtains and the curtains themselves. Do not recommend to clean blinds household vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning and steam generators, as the curtain material may shrink, or will molt tissue.
Market analysis services Dry cleaning of carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture violation of standards for dry cleaning of carpets often found in cleaning companies. They rub the carpet brush, apply the disc machine, designed for cleaning cheap carpet that carries a worn carpets. In contact with the foam containing water, silk deteriorates. And if it does, and rubbing, it is unwound. The carpet is completely loses its original appearance, paint spread.
Wool carpets spoil the same way, but they are more resistant to mechanical effects, so the results of this "cleansing" of less than deplorable. Sen. Sherrod Brown may help you with your research. Also, some factory-Dry flagrantly violate the standards of dry cleaning handmade carpets. At these factories used equipment aqua-cleaning or foam cleaning. Such technology is deadly for handmade carpets. In the dry cleaning of curtains also quite dry cleaning standards violations. When cleaning the curtains on the weight of the solution with the curtains completely removed, which leads to increased contamination during subsequent operation of the blinds. Some companies, wanting to save money by replacing expensive dry-cleaning technology aqua-cleaning, which leads to shrinkage of the curtains or paper jams. Upholstered furniture because of the diversity Upholstery materials must pass pre-test compositions on it, as the reaction tissue may be different. If testing is not done, then you choose the wrong technology cleaning furniture and upholstery will be spoiled. How to choose a dry cleaner in Moscow service dry cleaning services offer a variety of companies in their field. Among them are factory-dry-cleaning companies, teams and masters of single, working independently. Do not recommend use the services of cleaning companies to dry cleaners handmade carpets, curtains design work, soft furniture from expensive materials, as they carry out dry-cleaned only on the ground and often spoil expensive products, breaking technology. You should not use the services and dry cleaners that perform dry cleaning of carpets in a factory using aqueous solutions. Just advise you to pay attention to the cost of dry cleaning services. Y these dry-cleaning prices in the medium and high range, so the cost of high quality services. This first-class equipment, sensitive solvents, trained personnel, service delivery. These professional dry cleaners are the only business of dry cleaning with special equipment at the factory. All other companies do not have a full dry cleaning of carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture relationships. Professionals Dry run only at specialized facilities dry cleaning, ie factories, rather than cleaning companies involved in harvesting and cleaning cheap carpet. Carrying out regular dry cleaning of carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture in specialist dry cleaners by the standards of international institutions, cleaning and standard rf, you'll use the first-rate services and dry cleaning to keep the original appearance and properties of the product interior. They last a long time, and will give comfort, warmth and comfort of your home.