Ukrainian Nationalists

One of the main strategies in the eastern campaign, the Nazis chose the dismemberment of a multinational state. For more successful implementation of policies to colonize the occupied territories of the ussr the Germans planned to build a series of puppet governments, fully controlled by Germany. Himmler as saying: 'The Slavic peoples have never themselves unable to cope with their problems '. Officials of the German Ministry for occupied eastern territories missed no opportunity transparent hint leaders of local nationalists in the future may restore their state as – 'independent' state, following the example of Croatia and Slovakia. Even before the outbreak of war with the Soviet Union in the Third Reich and the occupied countries of Europe began the formation of numerous organizations representing the interests of the 'enslaved peoples of Bolshevism'. For example, in 1939 in Rome, held a congress of representatives of the Georgian nationalist organizations in Berlin, Prague and Warsaw, where it was decided to organize a 'Georgian National Committee', whose main task which was to establish the common Caucasian fascist party in the future "liberated" territory of Georgia.

Indicators and a second example. Even before the Great Patriotic War, under the leadership of the head of Ukrainian Nationalists – Bandera, were created three hiking groups (about 40 thousand people.), which should form the Ukrainian administration in the occupied territories. June 30, 1941 with the help of these groups tried to Bandera to proclaim the independence of Ukraine, but the Germans certainly did not like such an initiative.