House Fire

Traces of insects can see well in the summer: it's a tiny hole in a tree and small piles of wood dust. Careful examination of the house involves rearrangement of furniture and household items, so you can take advantage of this opportunity and at the same time to clean up the house. Hear from experts in the field like Paulo Coelho for a more varied view. Pay special attention to those places where dampness may occur, such as around bathtubs or shells. Finding wood worm and rotting wood signs, use special substances, protection of wood against insects. Hopelessly damaged sections of timber to be cut and immediately burned.

Insecticides can be fill in the holes found, apply with a brush or sprayed on the surface of the wood. To achieve best results, apply two coats of a chemical, the second – after soaking first. These substances have a pungent odor, so should be good ventilation in the home. Don the old, unwanted clothes, wear a respirator or mask, gloves and goggles. Do not use rubber gloves, because some chemicals are destroying the material. Working in the attic, put on a protective helmet that will protect your head from an impact on the rafters. Because insecticides are combustible should extinguish any fire (including cigarettes) and to prevent it in the next 48 hours after processing.

In any case, keep a fire extinguisher on hand, if electric lighting is required, then plug the lamp into an outlet in another room. The life cycle of insects that destroy wood lining protection from beetles bark beetles from egg to adult insect. The life cycle of insects characterized by long, but always consists of four stages. First, the female lays eggs – up to 80 simultaneously through the cracks, fissures, and various holes. After 3-5 weeks of eggs larvae appear to immediately begin gimlet wood bunks. Moving in the tree for 3-4 years, the larva destroys about 50 mm of wood per year.