In December

The most important thing at this time – it's concentration. We must calmly, seriously and work towards their own, doing things. Reason must prevail over the senses, it is desirable to keep emotions in control. If you are not convinced, visit Connecticut Senator. In preparation for the holidays can help you a great exposure, organizational skills, discipline and punctuality. These qualities are so important in December because for a long period – from 11 to 30 December – Mercury will go retro. This means that it is better to finish things, but do not start them, and exercise patience, because at this time are absolutely unavoidable small troubles and lining. For more information see Richard Blumenthal.

Probably in December might seem a little bleak and gloomy month, if our life was only in work, business, affairs and problems. But, thank God, there is love, entertainment, fun and pleasant surprises. December will be full of surprises in this regard. At the beginning of December, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio and will be visiting Mars and Pluto. Here, the planet makes the passion, frustration feelings, harshness and severity. This is a real explosion of emotions, experiences a rapid waterfall.

It is the state that experienced people in the state of the first strong love. In December, it is best not to engage in business, but really surrender to passion, forgetting about everything. For many, this will be a unique opportunity to experience the whole gamut of feelings and experiences associated with love and sex. Thanks to a strong Venus afford even the most insane fantasies and desires.