The profits are substantial and inexpressivos. From north-eastern century XVII dutch presence and the general crisis in the Europe had favored the sugar production and of sorts of north-eastern supplying, that presented greater necessity of man power, acquired for exchange of flour (RIO DE JANEIRO), cachaa and tobacco (BA). Rio De Janeiro is capable to defray the retaken one of Angola. The period of the primitive accumulation of the economy of Plantation is characterized. Socially the Elite is constituted by agricultural proprietors who occupy the positions administrative politicians and. The formation of the of the state of Rio de Janeiro Elite allowed the land appropriation (considering the familiar alliances and governmental resources).
At this Portugal moment it comes back its eyes toward Brazil having it as main source of good, and as extension of Portuguese territory increasing incentive to that they desired if to establish in the country. The first organizations politics *** and the concern in deciding the internal problems appear to keep the order. At this Portugal moment it has the concern to organize expeditions of recognition for the Brazilian hinterland, and the northwest with the intention to demarcate its territory (creation of the state of the Maranho and the Par Grain). In century XVIII it at the beginning had the fall in the of the state of Rio de Janeiro sugar production which had the mineradora activity of the seven hundred. It is possible that from 1750 ' ' acar' ' inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro is the responsible one for the biggest integration to the Atlantic market. The performance of the commerce, considering the collection of customs, can be evaluated by the fact of that from 1729, Rio De Janeiro more than collected the half of the value of the three main ports of Brazil. The commerce tends to surpass the Plantation in consequence of the increase of the slave traffic, importation and exportations.