It is observed today, that for this professional qualification the public, of vilarejos cities mainly small schools e, located in the interior and agricultural zones. A great number is known that of professionals in the education do not possess specialization and, many are half-illiterates. Excluded of the formal market, for deficit of knowledge technician, they serve initially, to substitute a professor () in the school and, later, with great frequency, remains occupying the position as employee temporary, that is, the school serves as ‘ ‘ hanger of empregos’ ‘ , generally for people with bonds of friendship, occupying positions as direction of the school or others, the bel pleasure of campaigns politics. These schools, partially abandoned, without adjusted faculty (without direction? director (), without pedagogical coordination, financial resources, overcrowded lack of professors), rooms, professors without minimum conditions for a worthy work: lack of didactic material (chalk, books, rooms, wallets, library, laboratory etc) the professor assumes all the responsibilities of the course of the school, without the minimum conditions of work. In this context, the education does not pass of a myth, a simple form to deliver certified for citizens half-illiterates, that is, contradictory what it praises the law of lines of direction and bases whose the duty of the State with the education is abolished in the time. In this way, the school does not pass of a deposit of mentally ill knowledge, inhibiting to educating the construction of one to know that the light one to a full development and, its preparation as citizen of the future. Where many times its proper familiar and cultural education is ece of fish in check, that is, beyond its alfabetizao, the school is an obstacle instead of a way that the light a worthier conditions of life. 3 WHAT THEY SHOW to the DATA the National Curricular Parameters In accordance with? PCNs, is observed that one of the objectives of education is to make with that the pupils start to understand it as a reasoning process in which they can produce logical conclusions from models, known facts, explicativas properties and relations it its proper thought creating logical arguments..