This substitution was traumatic and costs remain highly visible, has not yet been weighted projections. to not dwell on considerations, we have been doing in previous communications (many of them available on the network), we want to emphasis on the possibilities opened up the philosophy that supports this Act 26 473. a We are aware that we painted in the recklessness when we promoted the accelerated minimizing the size of cars currently circulating in Argentina. Yet taken as positive aspects that pave roads, new highways are built and increased automotive production. a But the philosophy of this law, gives us hope to start inviting to consider, on all those who are diametrically opposed to our views on this subject, as well as with incandescent lamps, can be done with the motor. For example, prohibiting the importation of automotive engine components or parts that exceed a certain capacity (eg 750 cc).
It is understood that we refer to private vehicles, not commercial. This is complementary to the use of biofuels legislation already in place. And policies conducive to gradually currently transported by truck loads, tipping by energy efficiency reasons to rail and water transport, as indeed has been a major global trend even before the intensification of the ongoing crisis. a Recently a law was passed to promote the motorcycle industry, which is also compatible with existing measures or suggested. a I think it is necessary to enlarge on what we suggested the enactment of this Act 26 473. We believe that mark a path.
That reinforces some public policies already in place. a And the way that brand, you need something that is beyond public policies: decisions of the people. The multidimensional crisis, involves changes in our everyday cultures, attentive to our profiles of life (not only those of consumer and labor) were decanted along at least three generations that preceded us, by the availability of low-cost energy resources and by the absence of environmental constraints, THERE IS NOW, and disrupt the development of our everyday life. It is our fervent desire that many of our compatriots, may see in this fruit of the state of Argentine law, what we envision from what is now law, was only project. a Buenos Aires, January 21, 2009) a # I3545904I # l