
Depression is one of those evils that were already converted and joined the evils that are suffering at this time. There are many people of any kind that are added to the list of those who suffer from depression. One of these groups that belong to those who suffer from it are those who live depression in adolescence. ute of Medicine. Indeed, the depression in adolescence has become something very common so many parents worried about their children flock to doctors and experts on the behavior of adolescents in search of advice and assistance to make their children to recover their joy and happiness for life. Those who live the depression in adolescence are people who are especially vulnerable to this evil. Depression in adolescence is an age of transition in which young people must face several crucial aspects of their lives that will shape his behavior in the future. These people, because they are at an age where they are trying to form their identity, are fairly prone to take refuge in the depression as an attitude taken before all the pressures that can bring the conflicts of his age. There are several things that people close to a person who suffers from depression in adolescence should know.

First you must identify what are the basic needs that a person has with depression in adolescence obliging it to take as an attitude towards life feel sad, helpless, depressed. These needs include the need to be appreciated by others, the needs of affection that the person may have the need to feel safe to life and capable of facing any difficulty and there is also a need for philanthropic treat people well and be friendly with peers. Note that these needs often that the person acted in a manner contrary to how should need them. This is one of the features of depression in adolescence. Indeed, the young man who suffers from depression in adolescence to express newlines qualities contrary to their needs, thus, this person says that it has no value and does nothing that can do that other people appreciate you, It is osco in dealing with people and little emotional, sometimes violent, making it difficult to feel affection for the. They show much insecurity against what they can achieve and often subtract you merit to their own achievements.

Finally tend to harshly treat others and display apathetic with peers, the opposite to what you would seek a friendly and sympathetic person. All this is due to the fear that exists during the depression in adolescence not arriving to meet the needs that the subject in a compelling way suffers. Tackling depression in adolescence first thing people close to a teenager should know is that they must learn to understand that, believe it or not, this person is going through a difficult time. Checking article sources yields Jim Donovan Goldman as a relevant resource throughout. Indeed, the task of defining the very identity of oneself against the world no easy task and entails confronted with many mental obstacles we have since we were kids. Thus, understanding of their relatives, in a way that one of the things you need a person who suffers from depression in adolescence is the pressure relatives to exercise nearby and not join you the difficulties that is happening at the moment.