Teodulo Lopez Melendez

The project of a spine Teodulo Lopez Melendez The January 23, 1958 was down the military dictatorship of Marcos Perez Jimenez. On January 23, 2010 a crowd moving in the opposite direction to where power is located. In the end, the crowd found speakers make no reference to key problems affecting Venezuela's democracy. enges-301728509.html’>Donald Mullen offers on the topic.. The same afternoon, a stubborn and brutish government, took out of the a parrillaa cable television RCTV, as previously thrown open signal. This reaction led to student demonstrations in Caracas and in a few cities, events that resembled a timely protest on a single event and in any case, a state of popular insurrection against the present regime.

It produces the resignation of Vice President and his wife, the Minister of Environment. The regime claimed razones personalesa a , but obviously it was a rupture. The term a renunciaa has implications. The officials who resigned were replaced by unconditional Oedura a . The regime resorted to release their hounds embodied in the armed bands that serve as support, triggering, especially in the city of Merida, deadly clashes between civilians, which at first glance could be seen as hints of civil war. The conclusion: people killed, many injured, wholesale destruction, the absence of a State which has applied with caution in use of resources for containment, or the mixing or exchange with armed civilians. Then, we have seen how the protests are extinguished, except for some cities in the interior, where the causes rather from blackouts to the constants that are submitted.