Territorial Politics

Contextualizando the formation process territorial politics and of the state of the Acre. Anderson Azevedo Mesquita* Before initiating any referring quarrel thematic of the formation the territorial politics and of the State of the Acre, is necessary to carry through a return to the past. This return in history still has origin in century XV with the great maritime navigations unchained by the Iberian powers Portugal and Spain, that in this period if they launched to the unknown sea in land search new to explore. Go to Amazon for more information. In this search for new territories to be explored, they had finished for ' ' descobrir' ' the American continent. In this feeling, Portugal occupies what today if it materializes State Brazilian, while Spain practically occupied all the remain of the South American continent, saved some interventions and conquests of other also European countries that had connected a small part of the territory, as for example, France (French Guyana). I begin it the main objective of these countries was to discover precious metal reserves, such as the gold, in this historical period very valued, and to explore them without any interest to occupy or to integrate such territories, that is, the administration system was solely of exploration colony.

Spain got more success finding in the territories under its domain, many precious deposits of gold and other metals, while Portugal would have that to wait the discovery of the gold in the region of Minas Gerais. (GALEANO, 2008) In result of not the success of Portugal in soon finding gold at the beginning of its exploration in Brazil, this initiated the process of exploration of Wood-Brazil, and later it developed cycles of agricultural production, based in the culture of great cultivations as the sugar cane-of-sugar in the littoral northeast region of Brazil. It is evident that other cultures had also been important in the Brazilian economic cycle, as well as, for the consolidation and expansion of the Portuguese colonial territory.


The branch of Xinavane was to drain the sugar and other products of the region that crosses. The way of iron of Limpopo was to drain mining and farming products of the Rodsia of the South. The branch of Salamanga to drain the raw material transport for the Cement plant of the Matola. A railway line from the port of Inhambane with linking to the Inharrime, the objectivo to serve the plantations of sugar of Mutamba was constructed. The line of Gaza was constructed from the edges of the Limpopo that served of fluvial port, in the city of Xai-Xai to the district of Manjacaze with the objectivo to drain the cashew chestnut. The idea was to bind it Inhambane to it, using to advantage the railway that left of Inharrime and went down until the o sea. The way-of-iron of Moambique Sul (CFM-S) explored the port of Maputo, the railway lines of Limpopo, Ressano Garci’a, and Goba. In this corridor, a total of 1062km of 740 railroads exists of which km (70%) are operational and 323km is not operational.

2,2 WAYS OF IRON OF the SIDE According to third congress of the FRELIMO (1976), the way-of-iron of the Side and its port, had been constructed by the company of Moambique, served to drain its products and of the English colnias of Austral Africa. The ways of iron of the Zambzia (Trans-zambzia) were for draining the tea, copra and the colonial monopolistas tobacco pertaining the company allowing the linking enters the port of the Side and the border of the Niassalndia (Malawi). More recently, the reasons that determine the construction of the ways of iron and the ports of Moambique not modify, are the Portuguese capitalist interests of the company or others, are they in Moambique or neighboring territory. Thus the ways of iron of Tete served to drain the coal of Moatize; The branch of Inhamitanga-Marromeu was to drain the sugar of Sena Suck; railroad linking between Quelimane and Mocuba, was to carry diligent and foods to the company established in low the Zambzia.

ESF Years

Brazil presents important studies, as the Europe and the United States, in the area of geopolitics, with prominence, mainly in the seio of the Armed Forces and entailed entities the agencies of planning of national geography. Shiguenoli Miyamoto inside presents a division of the periods of bigger importance of the picture of production of geography Brazilian politics. (1) Years 1920/1930: gnese of the country; (2) Years 1940: world-wide conflict and matureness of geopolitics; (3) Climate of cold war and sprouting of the ESF (up to 1964); (4) Military blow of 64 (security and development); (5) Years 1980/90: redemocratizao/international cooperation. The first period is marked by few authors in the field of the knowledge of geography politics, as Elyseo de Carvalho, Everardo Backheuser, Thin Carlos of Oak, Mrio Travassos and Franscisco de Paula City. All had almost suffered that the same influence under the determinista school, where the presence of Ratzel is visible. Backheuser is considered the first one to give impulse to national geopolitics.

However, Elyseo de Carvalho was surely the first one to reflect the paper of geopolitics as propeller and determinative element in the destinations of the country. Beyond these, Thin by Oak, in 1929, it took important space in the quarrels. In 1930 it also appears Mrio Travassos that presents the antagonisms of the South American continent and if it worries about a possible pro-Argentina disequilibrium. Its analysis projected the country for ampler picture, being later followed for others authors as Golbery of the Couto and Silva. Beyond these, Pablo City, in 1934, specifically approached the geography military of the continent. In the period of World War II, he had a great increment in the production of geopolitical studies. The writings of Houshoffer and the German production in general way had reached its apogee and the remaining portion of the world took knowledge of its existence.