What was the man for the past twenty thousand years? Responses to this question – abysmal darkness, but – if display something in common – it is necessary to recognize that only those people involved and that the transition from the world of reality in the world conventionality. He moved down this path in the dark, slowly feeling his way, it hurts to strike the various hardened, but stubbornly tried to go all the way through. It all began when the unfortunate time when hominids in the garden Eden said the existence of time. With horror he realized that the time around him on all sides, the time – an omnipresent, inexplicable, an infinite and unnameable. Time was a god. He obeyed the man with all his guts, he he decided to devote the mind and soul to him since he sacrificed not only herself, not only loved, but the whole world, all available space. A temple of God, he tried to build from scrap materials.
In the desert, taiga, mountains – everywhere was selfless bother to create mechanisms, measured the momentary. People seemed to live inside such devices itself a god. Hours ilihramy? Sand, water, fire, flower, lunye, solar, oil, mechanical, electronic, atomic … Why? To tame the time to beg him immortality … The first clock ticked no. Although created in the image of biological organisms embedded in nature itself. Biological clocks control all vital processes in living cells. Cage – self-sufficient, and fluctuations in its rhythmic support, while she was alive.
All organisms are subject to biorhythms. A person could be using mind and will, improve the hours that are given to him by nature. Do not invent something artificial and natural development. But he chose the path of creating conditionalities. Biorhythms have continued to work. They opposed artificial mechanisms – clock. Nature hinted, for example, that would pretty well take a nap, but the clock was against it, and man had to be awake in a brutal fight with a yawn. The first clock was silent and awkward. Drag them to the currently not possible. Sundial – the closest natural on the principle – all represented by pervosti obelisk with steps on which the shadow from the sun first fell, then rose. These clocks have existed in Ancient Egypt. Used them only by their creators – the priests. People just listen to hours of ranks within the body, as well as natural on the outside – sunrises, sunsets, flooding of the Nile. In general, the shadow – the first arrow, measured clock probably used long before the ancient Egyptian priests. Just from primitive sundials, of course, left no trace. But the obelisk remained. Preserved and Chaldean hemispherical sundial. They measured out the Chaldean Magi movement of the constellations. After all, astrology has its hypnotic pseudoscientific it in ancient Babylon. Astrology – rich lady. That's why so much mental effort was abandoned in building the most conventional of human schemes – astrological tables to predict. And no matter how many thousands of years had passed, there are always crowds of fans in this thoroughly deceitful mistress. Respect it should be only for the fact that because it was born on astronomy – a true science of the cosmos, brings hominids with humanoids. In ancient Babylon, the same vengeance ipolzovalis water clock – cylinders, of which slow water outflow. They was put in special herald, several times a day notifying citizens that the water flowed again. Sports equipment