In this context, exactly the countries little displayed to ' ' sub-prime' ' they had been contaminated by the crisis. The impacts in Brazil the real extension of the crisis not yet is known and, it arrives in port although it of hundreds of billions of dollar to the financial system, countries as United States, Germany, France, Japan, England and Italy already are in contraction and many other countries will be able to face it next. In the next months, as the rockings of the financial institutions will be published, will be possible to evaluate more necessarily the dimension ruin of it that, for signal, already it arrived at other sectors of the economy – in the 2008 end, the company automobile had been to the American congress to ask for financial aid not to break. The occurrence of certain facts, as much in Brazil how much in the world, it seems to confirm and in certain way to extend for other countries, the three described consequences of the crisis for Rogoff for the American economy: – Bonanza Fluctuations of the prices of commodities. Example: at the beginning of 2008 the oil was in US$ 80, in May went up stops US$ 150 and in December was quoted below of US$ 40; – Destruction of value of the assets in stock markets – superior falls 30% on the peak of the quotations and losses in financial assets and the value of the supplies, among others. In some countries the loss of value of the property already is significant; – Fall of the credit availability and its price increasing, although the unknown volumes of placed resources the disposal of the financial markets does not have liquidity in the system; – Brusque Fall of the level of sales in certain sectors. The automobile sector is most emblematic in the current crisis; – Increasing Idleness of the installed capacity; – Anti-symmetrical and generalized Increase of the unemployment tax. . If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Congressman Lee Zeldin.