It went forward in the House of representatives. Approved it by 269 votes in favor and 161 against. The proposal must be ratified by the Senate. The House of representatives on Tuesday approved the bipartisan agreement that will raise debt ceiling before the limit on August 2 in order to avoid the suspension of payments of EE UU. The proposal, which must still be ratified by the Senate, includes a plan of the EE UU of at least 2.1 trillion deficit reduction over the next decade, exclusively through cuts in public spending and was approved by 269 votes against 161 votes against. Despite the majority approval, since it needed a simple majority of 216 votes in favor, the vote reflected the division within the Democratic Party, where there was a tie at 95 votes. Some Congressional Democrats showed their opposition throughout the day to the plan because it did not include a tax increase for the most high incomes, as it had been raised at first.
By party Republican, however, the plan was supported by the vast majority of their representatives, despite the reticence shown initially by the more conservative wing of the party, the Tea Party. A joint plan the bipartisan Pact, announced last night by the American President, Barack Obama, was designed by the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, and the leader of the Republican minority in this Chamber, Mitch McConnell. Reid said that the Senate will vote Tuesday the plan of lifting of the debt, currently of 14,29 trillion ceiling. The vote of the House of representatives was considered the most complicated obstacle for this measure come out ahead, so it opens the way for final approval and is cleared, for the moment, the shadow of the suspension of payments in EE UU. Minutes before the vote, the White House issued a statement that asserted that President Obama would ratify it if arose after passing through Congress. Source of the news: The plan to avoid the suspension of payments in EE UU overcomes his greatest obstacle