Moving away itself from shows, Chico Buarque took care of of what really it considers its work: to write and to compose. The popular poet defends the idea that during the period of shows and turns is not producing, therefore is not working. Currently the composer undershoot seasons without if presenting to be able to take care of of the compositions and another art that is each more present time in its workmanship, literature. 1 In the recorded albums during its sabtico period, songs with fort I appeal politician not only reveal to gifts, illustrating the period and marking its opinion as creative artist, but as citizen wounded in its rights. The content politician can appear camouflaged in other subjects as love songs, songs of I appeal simply ecological or in ironic sambas. In the album ' ' My Expensive Amigos' ' , of 1976, the song ' ' Passaredo' ' , composed in partner with Francis Hime, is example of a supposedly ecological song, and was received as one I appeal ambient, but that it brought in its space between lineses messages and you denounce on the panorama Brazilian politician of its time.