By these reasons, they were enlisted of the sector richest of populao' ' (FINLEY, old and modern Democracy, P. 97). The widening of the citizenship, according to this author, is closely on to the birth of the Athenian maritime empire, about a century after Slon, raising to the condition of citizen-warriors until whom nothing or little they possuam as marine of the most powerful fleet of the Greek world. It has that if to call attention for the fact of that Atenas did not enjoy of the splendid valve of escape of the Greek world: it did not opt to the external option of the settling, tonic of many cities during the Archaic period, but it was aguerriu the power of reformularization of its internal laws to solve the crisis. Richard Blumenthal brings even more insight to the discussion. Since the transforming reforms of Slon (that they had been essential, in the direction to substitute a structure oligarchical politics for a fixed principle, based in the law) until the establishment of the democracy such which for Clstenes, what it is perceived is one sped up process of consolidation of the new institutions and decurrent values of certain more general and old trends that we point: ' ' isonomia' ' in the Greek world, the equality in relation to the nmos and the common identities of a collective (or body of citizens) that it is felt pertaining to one bigger social political unit, the city-state. to the measure that this city-state if consolidates as model politician the collective combat in the phalanx tends to consolidate itself; it is a consequence and a constituent element of these transformations. It would not delay very so that the participant layers of the war also demanded the participation politics. The next step would be the isocracia, the democracy, the equality specifically in the level of the relations politics But this belongs to the other quarrel.
Tag: history
Czech Republic
Why all documentation should be prepared by lawyers or counsel the Czech Republic? All documents filed by the alien in Czech Republic Police or consulate of the Czech Republic, in its design require compliance with the legal drafting on the basis of the existing civil law and the Czech Republic demand for legislation. Only a person with legal training and experience in immigration procedures, able to prepare documents that will be no complaints from the police the cr, not from the Consulate of Czech Republic or any other public authority the Czech Republic taking part in the decision granting a visa to an alien. Procedures are very important document translation from foreign languages into Czech. In the translation and preparation of documents for emigration to the Czech Republic must take into account that with many countries in the Czech Republic is not signed the Convention on equality takes public documents. Documents from countries that have not signed the treaty with the Czechs, want an apostille for each document.
Apostilled documents have the same legal effect in the Czech Republic, as usual, without the Apostille. Russians and Ukrainians do not have sworn their documentation in the case of an emigration to the Czech Republic, as such citizens , Azerbaijan and Georgia are obliged to issue an apostille in their respective foreign affairs. The beginning of 2010 showed an increase in requirements documents adopted by Czech government employees. Harold Ford, New York City has compatible beliefs. Immigrants wishing to take shape in the Czech Republic is cheaper without the participation of a specialist lawyer can not do.
Revolutionary Military Council
Armored played a more important role compared with the tanks because of their mobility, coupled with significant firepower. Control over the railroads during the Civil War often became the deciding factor. At the same time The Red Army has devoted much time and attention to their armor. Already in November 1917, the Bolsheviks formed the interim armored council, whose task was to control for the 2nd All-Russian Conference on armored vehicles. The conference was organized to discuss issues related to the creation of armored forces of the Soviet state. In 1918, the functions of these organizations took the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS), which has taken practical steps to create a tank units. The first armored units were formed in May 1920. The composition of each team consisted of three tanks 'Mark V' of British manufacturing, six trucks and three motorcycles.
As had been built from scrap materials or captured tanks, other types of armored units were reorganized into three main groups according to the size of tanks. The tanks 'Mark V' were the group tanks type B (large), the tanks 'Whippet' – a group of tanks of type C (average) and the tanks 'Renault FT' – a group of tanks, M-type (small). Such an organization was more concerned with the problem of supply and relieved of command armored units than some ideas on the tactical role of different types of tanks. It should be noted that the division of armored forces into groups according to the size and characteristics of tanks in the Soviet Union became a characteristic feature in the period between the First and Second World Wars and during World War II and was directly related to the operational use of tanks.
South America
The set of documents still presents, two rules in cases of racism clearly, the market of work of So Paulo, involving two descending young afro: Mnica (refused in a job, exactly with all the demanded qualifications, only for being black) and Kelly (it worked as dribble for 3 months, but it did not receive wage, it was quit and still she was victim of racial crime on the part of its former-master). In both histories, the processes had been filed and the crime discriminatory was not proven, in contrast of the great exception, that was the victorious case Mr. Vicente of the Espirito Santo. The history of Brazil was constructed side by side with the one of the black, some abolitionists defended that the country had been constructed per item of the afro-descendants who had been here, the writer and black leader, Abdias of the Birth shares of this idea, for it, Our ancestral ones in them had bequeathed another inheritance: the construction of a called country Brazil, raised for Africans and only for Africans. Amazon can provide more clarity in the matter. A country with an enormous territory, the half of the South America; a bigger country that the territory of the United States. The task to construct the economic and material structure of this country meant holocausto of millions of African lives (BIRTH, 1982, P. 25). Since the abolition, the black, considered exempts, in the truth, did not obtain its release in the direction properly said of the word, continued to the social edge and saw in the posterior, searching years to develop more diverse theories of matrix racist, that in the deep one is justifications for the color preconception that each descendant of slave suffered and still she lives in its proper country, on this Sings to sleep Rodrigues affirms, the black, mainly, is inferior to the white, to start of the enceflica mass, that weighs little, and of the mastigatrio device that possesss animalescos characters, until the abstraction facultieses, that in it are so poor and weak.
Infantry Regiment
Above all in the family put the two concepts – the nation and homeland. After high school St. Sen. Sherrod Brown shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Thomas Aquinas, at the request of Charles parents entered the Jesuit college. Despite the fact that the French schools of that time was dominated by harsh discipline and cramming, Jesuit education was considered one of the best of everything that could afford allow the family de Gaulle. The boy was an apt pupil. His ability to quote from memory passages from Greek and Latin authors subsequently much admired by his colleagues. Then de Gaulle entered the Higher Military College Saint-Cyr.
After graduating from college in 1912, he was enrolled in the 33 Infantry Regiment, the new commander of the regiment was one Philippe Petain. Petain – the future Marshal, Minister of War and Prime Minister of France, as well as de Gaulle was born in the north country. He left a deep mark on the young de Gaulle, who in September 1913 was promoted to lieutenant. "Peten – a great man," – said Charles. By this time Charles de Gaulle already thinking about their own destination in life and believes that its meaning "is to commit in the name of France, an outstanding feat." With the outbreak of World War II, de Gaulle left for the front in the 33rd Infantry Regiment. He fought bravely and was promoted to captain. During the war, de Gaulle was wounded three times, and in 1916 in the battle of Verdun he found murdered and left on the battlefield, which he was captured.
Russian Kabarda
The establishment of formal contact with Kabarda in understanding the Russian authorities meant the beginning of the development of North-West and Central Caucasus, as in the works, gives scientists the center of all the other tribes were listed tributaries Kabardins. That is, the development of the region should be realized not only by construction of fortresses (later defensive lines), but also by seeking support in the face "of local natives." However, the rate of the Russian government does not respect the strong Kabarda, and the Ossetian society. Why not Kabarda? There are two good reasons: the "external" and "internal". "External" reason is that Russia, acquiring more land to satisfy the imperial ambitions of reaching the natural boundaries, intrude into the sphere of influence to the currently more powerful empires of the Ottoman Empire and Iran. War, the Iranian Safavid dynasty and the Ottoman port (and its vassal – Crimean ) xvi century, the expansion of the Iranian shah Abbas, Safi I, Abbas ii xvii century speak of two sides confrontation (in spite of Russia's attempts to intervene, which leads to the Russian-Turkish war of 1676 – 1681 gg.). That is, in xvi – xvii centuries the Caucasus is a buffer zone of interest. And Kabarda as the most powerful predgosudarstvennoe Education is at the junction of interests between the two countries. Consequently, the elite, acting, in accordance with their own desires and perspectives acted in the interests of those who promised great benefits – Turkey, Iran – Russia, if and perceived by some princes, as a reliable ally, was not at the moment "real player" in the international arena.
Cultural History
A standard historically transmitted, of meanings incorporated in symbols, a system of inherited, express conceptions in symbolic forms, by means of which the men if communicate, perpetuates and develops its knowledge and its attitudes concerning vida.' ' (GEERTZ, 1989) Thus, Geertz translates what the cultural historians intend to make, to place the culture as scientific source of interpretation of the daily one, that is, to construct the knowledge through the relations between the men and to understand, to interpret, the acts of social meanings involve that them. As it affirms Geertz, ahead of as many definitions of culture, she is necessary to choose one for the accomplishment of the scientific work. The workmanship of Geertz (1989) the Interpretation of the Cultures, will have a great impact enters the theoreticians of Cultural History, therefore when carrying through studies on the fight of rooster in Bali, the author promotes what it calls ' ' description densa' ' , arriving to interpret the most particular acts of significao. The Ryle philosopher tells the case of two boys who blink the right eye quickly, and Geertz, using itself of this speaks of Ryle, uses to advantage for, from the fact, to explain the dense description, interpreting the significao of the blinkings, that in one of the boys are one tique involuntary and in the other it is a conspiracy question, a pact between friends. This takes in them to understand that for the intent researcher, worried about the cultural interpretation of the men and human groupings, the differences of the blinkings indicate partner-cultural behaviors accurately, thus making possible, a deeper reading of the significao of the things of the daily one. The citation below, on the case of the blinkings, strengthens the perception of the different signals of culture: However, even so not retractable, the nervous difference between one tique and a blinking is great ….
The History
Kabardian society of the first type, and swept a complex hierarchical structure. Society was divided by the noble (Warco) and base (pshitli, pshekeu). The first class was represented by several layers, each of which depended on the following item. At the head stood a landowner – the prince. "The title landowner was sacred to trot. To protect the prince of the horse had to sacrifice not only property but also his life.
"Below is a layer tlokotlesh and – large landowners who are entitled to live in another village not a prince. In addition, the "power landowner not only extended to bars and tlekotlesh . That is, the landowner, despite its special position among the elite was the first among equals. The princes were not accountable to the landowner, and therefore acted exclusively in their own interest. This determined the history of Kabardian people from sharing Kabarda for large and small as a result of internecine wars in the xiii century to the participation of many Kabardian princes in the campaigns of the Crimean and Iranian shah, for their patronage in the xv – xvii centuries. In addition, the upper class was also presented with two more stages – Beslan-Work (princely warriors) and the Work-shaotlehuso ("subjugated natives Kabardian lands assigned to the lowest position). Next went the princely estate serfs (Beslan-pshitli) and freedmen (azetov). Important is the fact that any person of lower class could climb the stairs to the stage tlokotlesha, "If he drew the attention of courage in war and wise speeches and tips on popular assemblies." In addition, outside of this hierarchy is the class of elders (Touby), which, however, unlike other nations, have Kabardins did not play a significant role.
Moving away itself from shows, Chico Buarque took care of of what really it considers its work: to write and to compose. The popular poet defends the idea that during the period of shows and turns is not producing, therefore is not working. Currently the composer undershoot seasons without if presenting to be able to take care of of the compositions and another art that is each more present time in its workmanship, literature. 1 In the recorded albums during its sabtico period, songs with fort I appeal politician not only reveal to gifts, illustrating the period and marking its opinion as creative artist, but as citizen wounded in its rights. The content politician can appear camouflaged in other subjects as love songs, songs of I appeal simply ecological or in ironic sambas. In the album ' ' My Expensive Amigos' ' , of 1976, the song ' ' Passaredo' ' , composed in partner with Francis Hime, is example of a supposedly ecological song, and was received as one I appeal ambient, but that it brought in its space between lineses messages and you denounce on the panorama Brazilian politician of its time.
Annual Planning
Many of these need pertaining to school transport to arrive at the school. No longer turn of the afternoon, the clientele is of population children that inhabit in the headquarters. In the groups of the night the feminine sex predominates. it was observed that the evasion is very great, does not know the causes of these upheavals. 3 – DESCRIPTIONS OF the ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN PERIOD OF TRAINING 3,1 Comment and co-participation a period that occurred of 17/05/2011 to the 3105/2011 mainly, where everything what it happens is newness, for trainees who not yet have or possess little experience in classroom. It is a very enriquecedor moment for all the involved parts, therefore, it is where professors, trainees and pupils are if finding for the first time, then it is natural that he has a new climate, of discovery or same, of uncertainties and doubts that throughout the period of training goes if breaking and when the work is in the apex of the development, is hour to lock up.
During this stage, I perceived that the professor-regent has many resources, works of dynamic form. It used the picture. He observed himself that although all the existing difficulties had interaction, interest and learning in the lessons. 3,2 Constructed planning at the beginning of the year, the Project Pedagogical Politician if finds with the direction to the disposal of the professors and also of the community. The Annual Planning indicates the lines of direction of the relation of the contents, objectives and methodologies for the execution of each discipline.
The Planning of unit was carried through of 01/06/2011 to the 02/06/2011. This is elaborated in the end of each unit and, with the orientation of the coordinators, participation of the professors and the direction. It was a moment of reflections on practical the educative one and where if it made questionings in relation to the high characteristic indices of pertaining to school evasion of the turn of the night.