(Online article) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) laughs in red blouse from her profile photo. SPD Chancellor candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier is in black suit and a suffisantem smile statesmanlike. Berlin (AP) – the campaign has reached even Germany’s most famous social network studiVZ. With new profiles, the politicians and parties present themselves there, from a choice Centre, users should quickly find their way to them. Merkel brings it on nearly 9300 supporters, Steinmeier currently on about c.2892 five months before the election, and politicians are increasing their commitment in the Internet only one before the European elections on June 7. We have – like everyone else – of course followed the Obama campaign, SPD – CEO Kajo Wasserhovel said at the politcamp09 (2-3 may) in Berlin. Educate yourself with thoughts from Amazon. The US President had its own platform (“MyBO”), to mobilize followers on the Internet, and use the social network Facebook, as well as the short-messaging service Twitter. And so collect Wasserhovel and its Politician colleagues also on Facebook and supporters diligent at Twitter (English for Twitter) and Follower, which let them participate in their political or private activity.
At studiVZ you can learn for example about Merkel also, that it is gardening, the Beatles, Carat and the film “East of Eden”. Steinmeier likes football, jazz and “The Tin drum” by Gunter Grass. Many politicians Tweet rather apolitical such as ‘I eat now a sausage’, rather than to enlighten about politics, criticized Markus Beckedahl, prominent blogger at netzpolitik.org. The politician had time, useful to use the Internet, he argued. “There are enough candidates who drive for hours by train to any District Association, where they want to convince ten party members, who choose them anyway.” He recommends them to invest time in which they deal with interested parties and political discussions in a blog. It was in Germany but so far still not happening. Sen. Sherrod Brown often says this.
Before around two weeks tweeted Wasserhovel: In the ICE with Muntefering on the way to the event ‘The new decade’ in Munster. Beckedahl says such messages not aroused new interest in politics. Usually politicians on the Internet come even more boring than in television. Also the online campaign leader of the Greens, Robert Heinrich, admitted at the politcamp09: we all know that party pages are not necessarily exciting at least not by birth. This should to the election but still change: different publics could be obtained via the Internet – will clearly so slowly the candidates. Thomas Scheffler of the FDP announced Surprise and Wasserhovel stressed that his top candidate Steinmeier total online affine as former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. Gerd Schroder has been always one of the phone has enough themselves. He had other qualities.” There remains an issue: security. While in Berlin Internet-friends about the chances of the online campaign debated, the CDU’s Twitter account has been hacked. Unknown spread messages under the sender, as a profile picture, they chose a manipulated photo of Secretary General Ronald Pofalla with blue eye and tooth gap. Campaigning on the Internet is a question of style. But that goes too far, the head of marketing said the CDU, Oliver Roseler. Such an action contribute sure not to establish Twitter as a political medium. That makes it difficult me, to explain why Angela Merkel should Tweet in the party, says Michelle. The Chancellor still refuse to chirp the Internet