Politicians In The Internet

(Online article) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) laughs in red blouse from her profile photo. SPD Chancellor candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier is in black suit and a suffisantem smile statesmanlike. Berlin (AP) – the campaign has reached even Germany’s most famous social network studiVZ. With new profiles, the politicians and parties present themselves there, from a choice Centre, users should quickly find their way to them. Merkel brings it on nearly 9300 supporters, Steinmeier currently on about c.2892 five months before the election, and politicians are increasing their commitment in the Internet only one before the European elections on June 7. We have – like everyone else – of course followed the Obama campaign, SPD – CEO Kajo Wasserhovel said at the politcamp09 (2-3 may) in Berlin. Educate yourself with thoughts from Amazon. The US President had its own platform (“MyBO”), to mobilize followers on the Internet, and use the social network Facebook, as well as the short-messaging service Twitter. And so collect Wasserhovel and its Politician colleagues also on Facebook and supporters diligent at Twitter (English for Twitter) and Follower, which let them participate in their political or private activity.

At studiVZ you can learn for example about Merkel also, that it is gardening, the Beatles, Carat and the film “East of Eden”. Steinmeier likes football, jazz and “The Tin drum” by Gunter Grass. Many politicians Tweet rather apolitical such as ‘I eat now a sausage’, rather than to enlighten about politics, criticized Markus Beckedahl, prominent blogger at netzpolitik.org. The politician had time, useful to use the Internet, he argued. “There are enough candidates who drive for hours by train to any District Association, where they want to convince ten party members, who choose them anyway.” He recommends them to invest time in which they deal with interested parties and political discussions in a blog. It was in Germany but so far still not happening. Sen. Sherrod Brown often says this.

Before around two weeks tweeted Wasserhovel: In the ICE with Muntefering on the way to the event ‘The new decade’ in Munster. Beckedahl says such messages not aroused new interest in politics. Usually politicians on the Internet come even more boring than in television. Also the online campaign leader of the Greens, Robert Heinrich, admitted at the politcamp09: we all know that party pages are not necessarily exciting at least not by birth. This should to the election but still change: different publics could be obtained via the Internet – will clearly so slowly the candidates. Thomas Scheffler of the FDP announced Surprise and Wasserhovel stressed that his top candidate Steinmeier total online affine as former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. Gerd Schroder has been always one of the phone has enough themselves. He had other qualities.” There remains an issue: security. While in Berlin Internet-friends about the chances of the online campaign debated, the CDU’s Twitter account has been hacked. Unknown spread messages under the sender, as a profile picture, they chose a manipulated photo of Secretary General Ronald Pofalla with blue eye and tooth gap. Campaigning on the Internet is a question of style. But that goes too far, the head of marketing said the CDU, Oliver Roseler. Such an action contribute sure not to establish Twitter as a political medium. That makes it difficult me, to explain why Angela Merkel should Tweet in the party, says Michelle. The Chancellor still refuse to chirp the Internet

Electoral Defeat Watergate

Constitutional violation of the Member of Parliament for election of the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag should CDU, SPD, FDP, Bundnis 90 / the Greens, SSW. “Forgetfulness” of MEPs and political groups in the Kiel Parliament should now the female voters and voters iron out the quagmire of parliamentarians and of the Beamter Martin Kreyenburg(CDU) and on September 27 at the same time the elections to select a new Parliament. (AMP/LB) Germany/Kiel: legitimation election on September 27, 2009 for the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, labour and Europe Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU) and the currently elected Landtag. Prime Minister, Landtag and Landtag do not know the State Constitution article 36 paragraph 2 and the rules of procedure of the Parliament obviously. After the vote of confidence on July 23, 2009 went the fractions of CDU, FDP, SPD, on the agenda over Alliance 90 / the Greens and SSW and over debated in the usual Dacapo “the problem nuclear power plants”. A new Prime Minister or a Prime Minister from a changing Coalition to choose, so that the five-year parliamentary term can be continued, was “simply forgot” possible majority.

Apparently, this was not intended in this bad political thriller. In the debate on the vote of confidence, no party with slogans from various historical novels and quotes from press articles, saved to show the people that you don’t like the enemy. At the nuclear power plant debate there stroking for redundant SPD Minister Carstensen, the Acting Prime Minister in the afternoon again. Read the full article on our pages. Lothar Bosselmann Web news AMP Ambassador media UG GmbH (copyright terms and conditions)

North Caucasus

None of analyticity, given him by God and inherited from his father, nor the depth of understanding Caucasian problems and the ability to overcome them, nor the breadth of vision and a great noble ambitions, aspiring to solve crucial problems for their people, nor, finally, the courage and the nature of diplomacy, which originally inherent in his tribesmen. The federal center does not see a stabilization of the direction of the North Caucasus, but to the path chosen by Akhmad-Hadji Kadyrov, and continue the current President of the Chechen Republic. But this is a detonating an alloy that contains the stiffness, justice, diplomacy and moral suasion and punishment – all in one – that is, the principles are absolutely clear and the Chechens, and all the Caucasian peoples. Because the policy of Ramzan Akhmatovich is destined for success and his experience will certainly be extended to the adjacent 'problem' areas. At Suffolk County representative you will find additional information. I am confident that under his leadership will be to unite the entire North Caucasus on the platform of 'safe and harmonious development 'of the region. Moscow is now strongly thinking about it. DH – With regard to 'any martinet, sent from Moscow,' you're obviously gone too.

Neither in Dagestan, Ingushetia or in experience no reverence before such martinet. Sen. Sherrod Brown: the source for more info. No problem, if a person really deserves respect. And that is sent, really, who knows. In Soviet times, as a rule, the second secretary of the Centre visited zaslantsy that collect their share of 'harvest' of bribery and dumped in the native land. .

Russian Scientists

Russian scientists, with the support of Russian foreign policy National Laboratory, published a report entitled "Lighting the general history of the peoples of Russia and former Soviet countries in school history textbooks of the newly independent states." In it they said they found a stunning, they said, the magnitude of the distortion of past events. In this part of the message, received from Moscow, it is not surprising, since textbooks are written by people, not machines, and therefore, nowhere these authors from their subjectivity does not escape. Historians in fact, like all people – citizens of their countries in a range of stereotypes, priorities, and a complex system of relationships from the heads of scientific institutes and state. This situation is not new. Soviet scientists have carried out orders of the Communist elite, and therefore the entire history of the world they looked like a continuous struggle for the hegemony of the proletariat.

The Azerbaijani khans warring with each other, had his own court chronicler, and I would not be surprised if it turns out that historians in Ganja 50s of the XVIII century blasphemed the last words of Azerbaijanis in Sheki, praising at the same time the king of Georgia. You see, in those years rulers of Nakhchivan, Karabakh and Ganja, Sheki Khan worried about the influence, together with the Georgian king, to fight with Khan Shaki Haji-Chalabi. I think it is quite natural and expected that Turkish historians today flatly denied the possibility of desecration of the Seljuk warriors Ecumenical Christian church, now known as the Hagia Sophia mosque.

The Soviet Union

Do not feel any State managers are accountable to the present and future of the country and its people! Would not this an incredible irresponsibility to mutiny disadvantaged and a new fault in Russia? I'm in trouble. Until recently, all of us it seemed that there was nothing in the world stronger than the Soviet Union. But one night the then leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have destroyed a great state and boastfully reported it to the U.S. president. And people are not defended The Soviet Union.

Now reaping the fruits of their indifference. Perhaps rightly so people? … All these sad thoughts visited me to the farm Urgeloy Babayurtovskogo district of Dagestan. Administratively to the Bowery Tsumadin Ryan. People and animals, barns and houses, dirt and poverty is so intertwined with each other that creates a sense of primeval desolation. Ways people and "public servants" intersect only in pre-election days. If you want to remove a documentary about a bombed military road, then here it is – from Hamammatyurta Urgeloya to a length of 3 km.

After the mindless destruction of farms, this road will never seem to not be repaired and asphalted. Urgeloytsy, and their 250 employees are not wanted. The extra people! Saltykov-Shchedrin be here … Residents Urgeloya for decades without results apply to the various authorities in Dagestan with a prayer for the gasification of the village. Total something must spend 3km pipe. A couple of years ago came here for some people, something were measuring, recording – and have sunk into oblivion. Urgeloytsy earlier accessed to chairman State Councilor Dagestan nowadays make same but already in address president Dagestan. So far no result. Faithfully noticed that and in small dropwise reflected large sun. Unequipped life in Urgeloe – example neglect power propertied to needs ordinary people. Urgeloytsy do not understand why the great gas power can not pay for a small branch to them from Hamammatyurta. They are willing to pay for the gasification of the village of calves and goats, but do not know when and how to drive their office. While in Urgeloe no natural gas and good roads, I personally would be difficult to believe in the success of social policy in Dagestan.

Typology Of Clients

As already mentioned in previous articles, I – Industrial Web producer. It’s believed that Amazon sees a great future in this idea. On one side of my duties is to manage the requirements: I communicate with clients and their infer a certain constructive, which is already possible to work in Dnepropetrovsk. On the other hand in my responsibilities include managing the creative team: thus, who received demands implements. So to say that I am between two fires. On the one hand pressed customers, on the other designers, managers scurrying to the third (this is another topic altogether). Everyone has their own truth, every "right", and I also "need" … Sen. Sherrod Brown is open to suggestions. there are no boring ever. I spend a lot of really communicating with customers.

And at one point in all this mess wise to write a classifier that occurs most frequently. Yes, I will turn immediately to your attention that the material is generally devoted to a bad experience. He's definitely better remembered and kept. A positive – what his mind to it and so everything is fine. If you look at the whole situation, the problems are only two, and they remain unchanged (at least the time that I see, since 2000) is the lack of goals, objectives and performance. Lack of goals / objectives – is the subject of a separate study, we will get back to this. Briefly I would say that by and large do not have anything to anyone. The bulk of the customers can not clearly articulate why they need a website. But they clearly can tell who they asked him to do.

Sassanid Empire

Another medieval Arab writer al-Yagut Hamaui said: 'Borchali – the name of areas in Arran. " Another Arabic writer Gardizi styled the region 'Beruchelyu', that is, 'steppe wolf', a renowned historian and statesman, late XIII – the beginning of the XIV century, the author of the multivolume "Jami attavarih 'Fazlullah Reshidaddin term 'Borchali' uses and as a place name, and as ethnonym. Author of 'History of the country's Albanians' Moses Kalankatuatsi (VII century), well-known modern Turkish historians Togan and F. A. Kyrzyoglu origin of place name Borchali associated with the settled in the South Caucasus in the II century BC. Speaking candidly Sen. Sherrod Brown told us the story. Oe. Turkic-Hun tribe Barsils. In the very name of the Georgian sources found in the region as 'Gurdis heavy' ('Wolf Valley'), in srednepersidskih ('Pehlevi') sources 'Gordman' – 'Country people Volk'.

It is advisable to focus on the data themselves do the Georgian sources, among which attention is drawn to a set of 'Kartlis tskhovreba' ('Life of Kartli ") and' Moktsevai Kartlisai '(' Appeal to Christianity Kartli '). 'Kartlis tskhovreba' begins with the events of the VIII century, ie, reflects the relationship between the Khazars and the Turks-Kartli region, then a brief description of the fall of the Sassanid Empire under the blows of the Muslim Arab forces, as well as the emergence and history of Tiflis Emirate. The manuscript chronicles 'Moktsevai Kartlisai' a tale of conversion to Christianity of the population of Kartli (eastern Georgia), was found in 1888. Two years later, the famous historian E. Takayshvili it was published in Georgian, and in 1900 – translated into Russian. Chronicle begins: 'When King Alexander to flight and drove them into the midnight country, then it is the first time I saw the fierce tribes buntyurkov living downstream Hens in four cities and their suburbs – Sarkin, Caspi, and Urbnisi Odzrahe, and their strength: a large fortress Sarkin, fortresses Caspi, Urbnisi, Odzrahe: Then came the breakaway Chaldeans warlike tribe of the Huns, and begged the lord buntyurkov place subject to pay tribute, and they settled in the curtain. " E. Takayshvili buntyurkov text calls 'Turanians', according to Academician Marr, the term should be understood as 'indigenous Turks'.

The victory of David IV the Builder of the Seljuks in Ganja atabek Didgorskoy battle in 1121, to the Georgian kingdom in the next 1122 was attached Tiflis Emirate. However, the king David in order not to spoil relations with the Muslim world, visited the Juma mosque in Tbilisi and has forbidden the Christian population of Tiflis contain pigs. As a result of the campaign in 1386 in Georgia, Turkic settlement north of Tiflis subjected Tamerlane. With the collapse of the state of Nadir Shah after his assassination in 1747 in Azerbaijan was formed more than two dozen khanates and sultanates, including Borchali sultanate. In 1880, the tsarist authorities eliminated Borchali sultanate, creating instead Borchali county as part of the Tiflis province. In 1929 Borchali county was abolished, the name 'Borchali' survived only in relation to the current Marneuli. In 1949 there was a replacement – instead of 'Borchali' came to be called 'Marneuli'. Thus, ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Georgia roots go back to living on the historical territory of another Borchali the last centuries before our era – in the first millennium AD, the Turkic tribes (buntyurki, Barsils, Bulgars, Khazars, Kipchaks, Oguz, garapapagi). Azerbaijanis living in Georgia are the indigenous population of their lands and not displaced.

National Unity Day

The point here is not in the internal strife and external enemies – they only underline the main question that arises in front of people: we are together, or what? A whole or every man for himself? Wrong answer leads to disunity and destruction, the correct answer reveals a reliable way to solve problems. At first, it is difficult to believe, but that’s what happened when Pozharsky took the Kremlin in 1612. Exactly two hundred years, the unity of the newly confirmed its power, when the remnants of the Grand Army of Napoleon left Russia. People, who rallied for real, do not require even high-profile victory. Let this be a temporary unity in the face of external threats – but that’s what wrote the famous German military historian Clausewitz, a former officer in the Russian army in 1812: ‘Russian is rarely faster than the French, although they had to do a lot of easy cases, and when they managed to beat the enemy and they whenever its released. In all battles the French were victorious, the Russian gave them the opportunity to realize the impossible. But if we sum up, it turns out that the French army had ceased to exist, and the whole campaign Russian was a complete success.

” History itself proves that the union – is the remedy, the engine of the world, the people and between nations. However, the success of unity seemed to be a miracle and a thousand and four hundred and two hundred years ago. We still do not trust the drug, which is repeatedly tested by time. Why? Where does this skepticism sanctimonious guise of sanity? In this era of world torn by global issues. Ended centuries of war games, any conflict could cause the latest world and the economy and finances were intertwined so that they do not untwist. Evidence suggests that it alone will not cope – no person in the state, no state in the world. Land round, and no matter where to direct their arrows, they’ll come back again.

If not today, then tomorrow. Even sit on the sidelines does not work. On this and reminds us of November 4 – National Unity Day. The consolidation is now required in common to all mankind, globally. It is like a drug, prescribed to mankind from time immemorial and is still pending. It would seem that the crisis had much to teach people around the world, but real progress remains to be seen. For external declarations of common interest and cooperation of a half – the calculation on how to beat the other, but if they team up with someone, something against someone. In such circumstances, need a good example – an example of Pozharsky only converted into a modern format. No man, but the country should assume the role of unifying factor, showing others the benefits that can accrue from collaboration and consolidation. Day of National Unity despite its ambiguity, still poses a grain of truth in it a glimmer of the spark of consensus and ownership of all Earth’s inhabitants. I would like to wish today to become a Russian-obedinitelnitsey in hard world time, a guide through the crisis period. It does not matter what circumstances are against it. It’s always like that. You need only a little bit of optimism and faith.

Catholics Russian

In most communities, heard chants glorifying God in a contemporary style. Member of the Evangelical Church became a believer after the water Baptism at the age of accountability. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. Newborn infants as the parents bring the faithful to church for the blessing and the whole Church Pastoral prayer. When children grow up, they can attend Sunday school, where learning basics of the gospel play, draw, learn nursery rhymes and songs about God. The important role of evangelical Christians (and Orthodox and Catholics) assign Holy Communion – the adoption of the bread and wine (grape juice), symbolizing the body is broken and blood of Christ shed for the salvation of the faithful. In many Russian evangelical churches are creative service – held musical concerts, theatrical performances are being prepared for Christian themes.

Parishioners and priests of churches lead a healthy lifestyle – do not use alcohol, drugs, do not smoke, carry out sports activities, youth camps and visiting trips to picturesque places country. One of the fundamental values of evangelical Christians – a family. In many communities there are special courses to prepare young people for meaningful marriage. Regularly hosts conferences and ministry for couples. The Church stands for chastity, fidelity and honoring one’s parents.

During the sacrament of the wedding couple who enter into a formal marriage, parents receive a blessing, the pastor and the church. Evangelical communities also have a charity aid to large, incomplete and low-income families spend dushepopechitelskuyu work with families in which there are dependent people. With such active work with families, in evangelical churches is very low divorce rate. As you know, Protestantism had a great influence on the development of the economy in many developed countries. On the Protestant work ethic written many books and textbooks. In the Russian evangelical churches parishioners are calling for honest responsible work, develop their potential and respect for superiors and representatives of the government. Today, the Russia, like many countries in Europe and America, the community of believers are businessmen who are sponsoring a variety of charitable programs and provide jobs parishioners who have undergone rehabilitation or released from prison. In addition, many churches held workshops in which believers entrepreneurs share their experience of doing business, following biblical principles. Many evangelical congregation Churches say that it is in the church they began to reflect on his vocation, prepared for God, got life values and began to develop personally, to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in those areas they are closest. Today, many Russian scientists, sociologists, historians and religious scholars say Protestants contribution to Russian culture and history.

Iran Policy Committee

It is about fear of losing its dominant position in the Islamic world, fears that the Islamic Revolution would lead to the dismantling of the obedient West monarchies and regimes in Islamic countries, including Turkey, of course. And if you get rid of the yoke of Western countries and peoples of the Muslim East, followed by anti-Western (which will mainly take the form Anti-American, of course), "uprising" and reverberate through South and Southeast Asia, the Far East, Latin America … Speaking candidly Richard Blumenthal told us the story. It turns out that war is not just with Iran – and for the opportunity to continue to control and exploit rest of the world. Of course, built, and the "internal threat" from an Islamic coloration for Russia and China, so that these two giants, at least temporarily, but would act if not at the same time, then at least "close" with the West … Despite the fact that oil-rich Gulf countries are interested in strengthening sanctions against Iran, the attempts of these states (again, read it is necessary: the United States and Israel) to postpone the official Beijing to Tehran through increased exports to China oil from these countries do not reflect the real situation. On this October 23, said the head of Iran Policy Committee, University of Michigan Tanter.

U.S. wants by strengthening sanctions against Iran to bring Beijing official to the position of the leading Western countries, he said, but rather China's "indifference" refers to those efforts. According to experts, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, although it will provide China with oil completely, "suspending" of Iran, Official Beijing has suspended investment in Iran's energy sector.